Eric.ed.gov – A Quasi-Experimental Study on the Utility and Efficacy of Lead4ward in HISD toward Improving Instructional Planning and Student Achievement, 2018-2019. Research Educational Program Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This program evaluation assessed the utility and efficacy of lead4ward toward facilitating meaningful instructional planning, and improving STAAR reading, English language arts, and math performance of students whose teachers participated in lead4ward professional development. A web-based survey on HISD’s HUB yielded responses from 340 educators who had direct exposure to lead4ward. The highest percentages of respondents found that lead4ward was closely aligned to TEKS (87.1). In addition, 79.0% of respondents indicated that they used lead4ward in grade level, developmental planning, and PLCs meetings. Nearly 70.0% of respondents noted that the Field Guides were helpful in planning and implementing lessons well (69.8%). Respondents found that lead4ward resources improved proficiency among students “more than a little” in mathematics, English language arts/reading, science, social studies, teacher induction, and intervention/RTI. Instructional… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Training, Teacher Quality, and Student Achievement. Working Paper 3

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: We study the effects of various types of education and training on the ability of teachers to promote student achievement. Previous studies on the subject have been hampered by inadequate measures of teacher training and difficulties addressing the non-random selection of teachers to students and of teachers to training. We address these issues by estimating models that include detailed measures of pre-service and in-service training, a rich set of time-varying covariates, and student, teacher, and school fixed effects. Our results suggest that only two of the forms of teacher training we study influence productivity. First, content-focused teacher professional development is positively associated with productivity in middle and high school math. Second, more experienced teachers appear more effective in teaching elementary math and reading and middle school math.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Strategy Instruction for Students with Disabilities Who Are Learning English. ELLs with Disabilities Report 16

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: English language learners (ELLs) and students with disabilities are two groups specifically targeted in NCLB for which schools must demonstrate “adequate yearly progress.” However, ELLs with disabilities, a category where these two groups overlap, are not specifically mentioned in the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Students with “high-incidence” learning-related disabilities (e.g., speech and language impairments, learning disabilities, and emotional/behavioral disabilities) in particular exhibit unique educational needs likely to place them at risk as schools strive to improve academic outcomes across the range of students specifically targeted in NCLB. With the rapid growth of the population of ELLs in the U.S., schools have an urgent need for research-based information on how to instruct ELLs with disabilities in grade-level content. This report describes a series of single-subject studies… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Effect of Reading Comprehension on the Performance in Science and Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Mathematics and Science classes in schools have become a focus to be considered in terms of educational systems and administration around the world in the last decade. Related to the mentioned classes, there are many benefits that lead students to academic success. In the recent years, educators have found that there are so many different factors that effect students’ performance in science and math classes. Especially reading comprehension has changed so many traditional procedures in teaching math and science. It also shows remarkable benefits. This research focuses on the effects of reading comprehension on mathematics and science achievement. Students’ academic performance on the mentioned classes and their motivation towards those courses will also be the focus of the research. The research is based on the data gathered… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Toward Social Justice: The Characteristics of an Effective Mathematics Intervention Program for Urban Middle School Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This two-part investigation (a) assessed the impact of the Jaime Escalante Math Program (JEMP), a structured summer mathematics intervention program, on the math achievement of urban middle school students, (b) identified the characteristics of the program that the administrators and teachers perceived to contribute to student achievement, and (c) compared the JEMP characteristics to those found in the literature on effective mathematics intervention programs. A mixed methods approach included analysis of two years of student math assessment data, administrator interviews, and teacher surveys. Quantitative findings indicate that student participants in the JEMP achieved significant growth in mathematics on two measures. Additionally, effective program elements are revealed in the qualitative data including specific classroom instructional strategies used in the JEMP. The results of this study will assist educators… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Co-Creation of Kentucky’s Usable Innovation Process: A How-To-Guide

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This publication serves as a technical paper or How-To-Guide through a detailed description of the intentional step-by-step process Kentucky’s executive leaders, educators, and stakeholders used to co-create a Mathematics Usable Innovation. The How-To-Guide includes italicized links to resources: Kentucky Examples, activities and research on the Active Implementation Hub. Resources are also linked below in the order they are presented in the How-To-Guide. We hope these resources support your organizations co-creation of a Usable Innovation. To improve student outcomes on a useful scale, WHAT is trying to be done needs to be teachable, learnable, doable, and easily assessed in a typical education setting (Fixsen, Blase, Metz, & VanDyke, 2013). Kentucky’s Usable Math Innovation defines WHAT educators agree they will see in any math classroom, no matter what innovation… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Components of High-Quality Mathematics Classrooms: Attending to Learning Opportunities for English Language Learners

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In response to the call for research on integrating best general practices in teaching with those that promote equity and access, we present a two-part study focused on instructional strategies that may remove learning barriers for English Language Learners. We theoretical developed and empirically explored supplemental components for traditional quality of instruction measures (MQI, Hill, 2014, Math Habits Tool, Melhuish & Thanheiser, 2017). We share results from a quantitative study empirically verifying the effect of suggested ELL-focused instructional strategies (Chval & Chávez, 2011) on ELL learning via the creation of an additional MQI dimension. Based on these results, we then provide theoretical operationalizations of these strategies to integrate into the student-and-teacher interaction tool: the Math Habits Tool (Melhuish & Thanheiser, 2017) as means to concretize these strategies… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Attitudes of Students and Teachers towards the Use of Interactive Whiteboards in Elementary and Secondary School Classrooms

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Recently much have been invested in the interactive whiteboard educational technology in Turkey. The government is still wishful to spread it to schools of all levels. This study tries to understand teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward interactive whiteboard technology along with differences in attitudes resulting from some demographic factors. Two parallel surveys consisting of 25 items were applied to 255 students and 23 teachers from three private schools. Students from sixth to twelfth grades and teachers from 15 different branches participated in this research study. The results indicate that interactive whiteboards are highly rated by both teachers and students. Students mostly prefer the usage of interactive whiteboards in math courses, and their attitudes differ across their genders and school levels. As students get elder, their positive attitudes… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Middle School Science and Mathematics Teachers’ Conceptions of the Nature of Science: A One-Year Study on the Effects of Explicit and Reflective Online Instruction

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education has become one of the main priorities in the United States. Science education communities and researchers advocate for integration of STEM disciplines throughout the teaching curriculum. This requires teacher knowledge in STEM disciplines, as well as competence in scientific literacy. Since nature of science (NOS) is a critical component of scientific literacy, this study examined teachers’ conceptions NOS over a one-year period. Participants included 21 middle school science and mathematics teachers who integrated science and mathematics in their classrooms. We employed two NOS instruments to collect data on participants’ NOS conceptions “before” and “after” a one-year online graduate program. This study examined changes in NOS understanding for the group as a whole, between science and mathematics teachers, and whether beginning… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Exploratory Analysis of Features of New Orleans Charter Schools Associated with Student Achievement Growth. REL 2018-287

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the number of charter schools in New Orleans has rapidly expanded. During the 2012/13 school year–the period covered by this study–of the 85 public schools in New Orleans, 75 were chartered, enrolling more than 84 percent of all public school students in the city in 92 different school campuses. This study explored organizational, operational, and instructional features of New Orleans charter schools serving grades 3-8 that are potential indicators of student achievement growth in English language arts (ELA), math, and science. The organizational characteristic of kindergarten provided as an entry grade was associated with higher levels of [value-added measures] VAM on the ELA test. The operational characteristic of an extended school year also was associated with higher levels of ELA VAM.… Continue Reading