Eric.ed.gov – Math Infusion in Agricultural Education and Career and Technical Education in Rural Schools

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The increased pressure for gains in academic performance in mathematics and science are not going to dissipate, and rural schools must find a way to meet these challenges. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and the Carl D. Perkins Federal Vocational and Technical Education Act legislations have also put pressure on career and technical education (CTE) to increase academic standards in CTE curriculum. Infusing mathematics into the curriculum will give students a chance to see the mathematics in a real-world context. The model of infusion proposed by the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education (NRCCTE) has given a viable option to aid in teaching mathematics in context. Further research is needed in order to guide everyone to the best model of mathematics infusion. The NRCCTE… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Games for Enhancing Sustainability of Year 7 Maths Classes in Indonesia: Theory-Driven Development, Testing and Analyses of Lessons, and of Students’ Outcomes

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The results of international comparative studies have shown that relationships exist between metacognition and cognitive activation and learning success. Since 2007 we have been carrying out projects in Indonesia to improve cognitive and metacognitive activities of pupils of year 7 and their teachers. These activities are to contribute to the construction and sensible use of sustainable mental models for mathematical concepts and methods by learners. This paper shows how games are used for the enhancement of metacognitive and discursive activities in class. Their effectiveness is documented exemplary by means of students’ outcomes and transcripts of lessons from project classes. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Longitudinal Effects of Teacher Use of a Computer Data System on Student Achievement

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Does data use make a difference in student achievement? Despite the field’s optimism on this matter, relatively few studies have attempted to quantify the effects of data use. These studies have often used the presence of a data use intervention (e.g., a data system or data coaching) as a proxy for use, as opposed to tracking teachers’ direct interactions with data, via data system click logs, for example. Accordingly, the present study sought to address this methodological gap by exploring the 2-year effects of data use through a multilevel cross-classified model of teachers’ system interactions and student achievement. A significant relationship was found between system use and elementary reading, but no significant relationships were found for elementary math, junior high math, or junior high reading. The implications… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Reaching All Students with Excellent STEM Teachers. Education Leaders’ Brief

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In the U.S., STEM subjects–science, technology, engineering, and math–face urgent needs for great STEM teachers and well-educated students. An Opportunity Culture can help by extending the reach of excellent STEM teachers already in our schools and creating a teaching profession that attracts and retains these teachers through higher pay, within regular budgets, and multiple advancement opportunities. The Education Leaders’ Brief summarizes the grim facts about STEM employment and learning in the U.S. today, emerging efforts to stem the shortage of skilled teachers, and how an Opportunity Culture can help. [Public Impact contributors to this publication include Sharon Kebschull Barrett, Lyria Boast, Elaine Hargrave, Gillian Locke, Christen Holly, Emily Ayscue Hassel, and many others who contributed to underlying materials. Beverley Tyndall was responsible for the production of this… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Ecocritically (Re)Considering STEM Integrated Ecological Inquiry in Teacher Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The acronym STEM is a ubiquitous term for seemingly anything in–or related to–the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and the current dominant educational STEM discourse in teacher education is often organized around questions of how to integrate math and science into the other content areas or vice versa. The purpose of this article is to pose a different question: “How can an ecological model for subject inquiry become the organizing focus for an integrated ecological inquiry?” In this article, the author provides a glimpse of where educators are currently in their thinking and writing as they put theory to work in teacher education. For the past few years, educators have been working on a number of exciting endeavors in teacher education, ranging from theoretical explorations… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Making Maths Useful: How Two Teachers Prepare Adult Learners to Apply Their Numeracy Skills in Their Lives outside the Classroom

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This pilot case study of two teachers and their learner groups from Adult and Community settings, investigates how numeracy teachers, working with adult learners in discrete numeracy classes, motivate and enable learners to build on their informal skills and apply new learning to their own real-life contexts. Teachers used a range of abstract and contextualised activities to achieve this. Similarities and differences between teachers’ approaches were analysed using a Context Continuum model. Whether teachers started with real-life situations then moved to the abstract mathematics within them, or approached it the other way around seemed less important than ensuring there was movement back and/or forth between the different discourses of numeracy and mathematics. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Investigation of Math Teachers’ Circle through a Zone Theory Lens

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Math Teachers’ Circles (MTCs) are an innovative, problem-solving focused approach to professional development. This model provides teachers opportunities to develop their problem solving skills as well as help them to communicate with others on classroom implementation of problem-solving activities. As with any professional development with teachers, it is important to explore the impact of this model in terms of teachers’ learning and development. In this report we provide our implementation of a zone theory lens provided by Goos as a way to investigate the MTC model. Initial analysis implementing this particular theoretical lens helps us gain insights in ways to improve this new model of professional development activities for future participants. [For the complete proceedings, see ED583989.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Evaluation of the Rural Math Excel Partnership Project Final Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This is the final external evaluation report prepared by SRI International for the Rural Math Excel Partnership (RMEP) project, an investing in innovation (i3) development project funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Operated by Virginia Advanced Study Strategies, Inc. (VASS), the RMEP project included six rural school districts (LEAs) in five Virginia counties as partners. The project goal was to develop and implement a model of shared responsibility among families, math teachers, and communities in rural areas to prepare students enrolled in Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Algebra Functions and Data Analysis (AFDA) courses for success in advanced high school and postsecondary STEM studies. The long term outcome was for students to leave school ready, at a minimum, to enroll in postsecondary programs focused on… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Detecting Math Anxiety with a Mixture Partial Credit Model

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to investigate a new methodology for detection of differences in middle grades students’ math anxiety. A mixture partial credit model analysis revealed two distinct latent classes based on homogeneities in response patterns within each latent class. Students in Class 1 had less anxiety about apprehension of math lessons and use of mathematics in daily life, and more self-efficacy for mathematics than students in Class 2. Moreover, students in Class 1 were found to be more successful in mathematics, mostly like mathematics and mathematics teachers, and have better educated mothers in comparison to students in Class 2. However, gender, attending private or public schools, and education levels of fathers did not appear to differ between the classes. Capturing such fine-grained information extends… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Role of Teachers in Facilitating Mathematics Learning Opportunities in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Strengthening knowledge and skills in mathematics is critically important to preparing the next generation of innovators, problem solvers, and interdisciplinary thinkers. School-based agricultural education offers a valuable context to co-develop mathematics knowledge and skills alongside knowledge and skills in agriculture, food, and natural resources. The current study explored the role of school-based agricultural education teachers in facilitating interdisciplinary agriculture, food, natural resources, and mathematics learning experiences. Findings suggest teachers possessed positive attitudes, supportive subjective norms, high levels of perceived behavioral control, and moderate to high perceptions of mathematics knowledge. Additionally, teachers intended to teach mathematics content in an average of 24.51% of agriculture, food, and natural resources curriculum. However, in modeling the intentions of school-based agricultural education teachers to teach math, the combination of attitude toward the… Continue Reading