Eric.ed.gov – Perspectives on Algebra I Tutoring Experiences with Students with Learning Disabilities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The researchers conducted a qualitative analysis of the perceptions of school personnel and pre-service teachers about an Algebra I tutoring program for students with learning disabilities. The researchers surveyed and interviewed the participants about the effectiveness of the program for the mathematics learning of the students with LD at the school and as a learning experience for the pre-service teachers. The school personnel indicated there was a mutually beneficial relationship between the tutors and the school. The perceptions of the tutors revealed considerations about the challenges they face as Algebra I tutors of students with learning disabilities including remembering Algebra I content, posing strategic questions to students, dealing with students’ math anxiety, and conveying Algebra I content accessibly. The tutors reported positive experiences in the program including… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Innovation of Learning Trajectory on Multiplication Operations for Rural Area Students in Indonesia

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The rural area’s student difficulties in learning the concept of number operation had been documented by several studies, especially for the case of multiplication. The teacher typically introduces the multiplication concepts using the formula without involving the concept itself. Furthermore, this study aims to design learning trajectory on multiplication operations in the Mathematics of GASING (Math GASING) by focusing more on the concept itself than the formula and by starting from the informal to a formal level of teaching. Design research used as the research method to solve this problem consisting of three phases, namely preliminary design, teaching experiment, and retrospective analysis. The research results show that the Math GASING has a real contribution for students to understanding and mastering in the concept of the multiplication operations.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Developing Self-Efficacy: Exploring Preservice Coursework, Student Teaching, and Professional Development Experiences

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: To extend current understanding of school-based agriculture teacher development, this study explored the relationship between teacher development experiences and the self-efficacy of early career agriculture teachers. Three teacher development experiences were of interest: (a) preservice coursework, (b) student teaching, and (c) professional development. Teacher development experiences were analyzed in relation to classroom management self-efficacy, instructional strategies self-efficacy, leadership self-efficacy, science teaching self-efficacy, and math teaching self-efficacy. The relationships between development experiences and self-efficacy were analyzed through five linear regressions with teacher development experiences as independent variables and the five areas of self-efficacy as separate dependent variables. Only statistically insignificant relationships were identified for classroom management self-efficacy and instructional strategies self-efficacy. Student teaching and professional development were statistically significant, positive predictors of leadership self-efficacy. Professional development was also… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Artistry in Teaching: Writing Children’s Mathematics Literature Books as Teacher Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Helping pre-service teachers to feel competent and courageous about the mathematics they will find themselves teaching as elementary school teachers is a critical component of any math methods course. This paper addresses this aim by highlighting a process that involves pre-service teachers in creating original mathematics literature books. This process assumes a social practice theory of learning based on a relationship among one’s own thinking, the activity, and the thinking of other interested persons (Rogers, 1974). My stance is that creating such books offers ways for pre-service teachers to gain new mathematical understandings, connect the math they will be teaching to other life situations, identify pedagogical practices that support student thinking, integrate artistry into the teaching of content, and understand more deeply the multidisciplinary nature of mathematics.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Designing Professional Learning Communities through Understanding the Beliefs of Learning

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study was designed to initiate the process of building professional development learning communities for pre-service math teachers through revealing those teachers’ conceptions/beliefs of students’ learning and their own learning in China. It examines Chinese pre-service math teachers’ conceptions of student learning and their related pedagogical beliefs with respect to the following four aspects: self-regulation, construction of knowledge, the social nature of learning, and a dynamic view of ability. A total of 129 middle-school and secondary pre-service math teachers from China participated in this study. The results indicated that the Chinese pre-service teachers’ conceptions of student learning and their pedagogical beliefs are constructive, process-oriented, and progressive. In addition, the traditional Chinese socio-cultural values still have an impact on the pre-service teachers’ conceptions of student learning. Implications and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Preliminary Evidence on Measurement Characteristics for the Foundational Assessment of Competencies for Teaching Performance Tasks. Research Report. ETS RR-20-27

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this report we provide preliminary evidence on the measurement characteristics for a new type of teaching performance assessment designed to be combined with complementary assessments of teacher content knowledge. The resulting test, which we refer to as the Foundational Assessment of Competencies for Teaching (FACT), is designed for use as part of initial teacher licensure. Twenty elementary FACT performance tasks (10 for mathematics [MATH] and 10 for reading language arts [RLA]) were developed and then administered to 59 teacher candidates. The results from the pilot indicate that the performance tasks function as designed with candidates completing the tasks on average in approximately 3.5 min. Human raters were able to score the tasks quickly and accurately. All score points were well represented for all the scored tasks.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Getting Everyone Involved in Family Math

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teachers from the departments of Mathematics and Computer Science, and Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater collaboratively developed and implemented an evening math event, “Family Math Fun Night,” at local elementary schools. As an assignment, preservice elementary teachers developed hands-on mathematical activities, adaptable for different ages and abilities, to engage children and parents. The pre-service elementary teachers presented a variety of activities at each school site to small groups of families and school personnel. This paper outlines the purpose, structure, and benefits of the project for all its participants. (Contains 1 endnote.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – TEDS-M and the Study of Teacher Preparation in Early Reading Instruction: Implications for Teacher Education Policy and Practice. Working Paper #25

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The 2010 report from the National Research Council on teacher education programs in the United States, “Preparing Teachers: Building Evidence for Sound Policy,” reported that “the empirical evidence on effective teacher preparation [is] nearly nonexistent” (p. 99). The publication later that year of two major studies, one on the preparation of mathematics teachers and the other on teacher preparation in early literacy, marked the first use of nationally representative data to begin to answer important questions concerning teacher preparation in the U.S. In June 2011, the Education Policy Center (EPC) at Michigan State University convened an audience of scholars and policymakers from across the country to discuss the results of the two studies, “Breaking the Cycle: An International Comparison of U.S. Mathematics Teacher Preparation, Initial Findings from… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Incoherent by Design: What You Should Know about Differences between Undergraduate and Graduate Training of Elementary Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This brief quantifies the fundamentally chaotic nature of elementary teacher preparation for initial certification, which is by far the most popular choice of individuals who consider teaching. In order to understand the different approaches taken by programs housed on the same university campus, researchers examined 13 institutions that offer both a graduate and undergraduate program preparing new elementary and/or secondary teachers. While there is overlap in the topics each undergraduate/graduate program pair covers, what’s more striking are the different course requirements–even though both programs are offered by the same education school at the same institution. Ideally, teacher candidates in each program pair should receive preparation that is not only consistent, but also high quality in its design. Teacher candidates in elementary programs should begin teacher preparation having… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – University Mathematics Students’ Study Habits and Use of Learning Materials

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this article, we report from a group (N=98) of students from two campuses of one Finnish university, on their study habits, and to what extent they use different kinds of learning materials in university mathematics courses. Our results show that the older students are more communicative with their teachers, whereas the younger students ask for help more often from fellow students. The sociomathematical norms that constitute the local study culture have a significant impact on the study habits and on the use of learning materials. For example, the use of videos and studying lecture materials before the lectures were clearly more usual at one campus than at the other. We also found some significant differences between the groups that are based on the study programmes. The… Continue Reading