Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Resources and Student Achievement in High-Need Schools. Research Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: With the growing federal, state, and local policy emphasis on teacher quality and student achievement, the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL) investigated teacher resources and their relationship to student achievement in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. The purpose of this study was to provide policymakers with information about the relationship between teacher salary, experience, and education, and the relationship between these teacher resources and student achievement, particularly in high-need schools. SEDL used state databases in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas to examine the extent to which districts paid teachers based on years of experience and degree level, and whether teacher resources, defined as salary, education, and experience, were distributed differently across schools depending upon their level of need. SEDL also investigated whether within and across the three study states… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Relationship of Teacher Quality and Student Achievement in Elementary Schools from the New York City

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The present study sought to examine the relationship between teacher quality and student achievement in public elementary schools in a community district school of the New York City. It has 23 elementary schools, more than 7,600 students and around 350 teachers. For this study, participants consist of a sample of 117 full-time teachers who were working in third, fourth and fifth grade during the 2006-2007 school year. By recognizing the link between quality teaching and student achievement, this study addressed the broad question: “What is the relationship between teacher quality and student achievement?” Methodologically, data collection was based on a standardized questionnaire developed by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). The survey used here was adapted by the researcher to explore three specific teacher quality characteristics:… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Picturesque View of Dispositions, Autonomy, and Efficacy during the Educational Preparation of Early Childhood Educators

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The intent of this qualitative study was to examine pre-service teachers’ growing awareness of the role dispositions and autonomy play in the classroom and the implications these constructs have for teaching and learning. Teacher candidates’ written reflections and focus group statements revealed three robust emergent themes: engagement, empowerment, and meaning making. When taking a wide lens view, these robust emergent themes nurtured certain dispositions, autonomy, and teaching efficacy. Teaching strategies such as the project approach (adult-oriented and with children) and the construction of math games were considered valuable assignments that strengthened a variety of dispositions by providing on-going opportunities for teacher candidates to engage in experiences that promoted autonomous thinking and actions during their preparation program. Teaching efficacy emerged as a related construct and became an integral… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Children’s Pre-K Outcomes and Classroom Quality in Georgia’s Pre-K Program: Findings from the 2013-2014 Evaluation Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of the 2013-2014 Georgia’s Pre-K Program Evaluation was to examine the learning outcomes for children and the quality of their classrooms during Pre-K, as the baseline year of the Pre-K through third-grade longitudinal study. The primary evaluation questions addressed included: (1) What are the learning outcomes for children attending Georgia’s Pre-K Program?; (2) What factors predict better learning outcomes for children?; and (3) What is the quality of children’s experiences in Georgia’s Pre-K classrooms? To address these questions, the evaluation study included a random sample of 199 Georgia’s Pre-K classrooms and a sample of 1,169 children attending these classrooms. Researchers conducted individual child assessments near the beginning and end of the Pre-K year to examine growth in children’s skills. The assessment measures covered multiple domains… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Teacher Quality Primer. For Michigan School Officials, State Policymakers, Media and Residents

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: While Michigan students learn a variety of skills in their time at school, perhaps the most important charge of public schools, beyond providing a safe and healthy environment, is to ensure that students are learning their three fundamental skills: reading, writing and arithmetic. Unfortunately, the achievement levels of Michigan public school students raise doubts about the quality of public education in the state. This volume has been written to assist policymakers at the state and local levels who want to initiate and support teacher quality reforms to improve K-12 public education in the state. The author describes shortcomings in public education in the state and discusses the research consensus that good teachers matter, investigating whether certification, experience, graduate degrees, academic ability and high licensure exam scores make… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Snapshot of Educator Mobility in Montana: Understanding Issues of Educator Shortages and Turnover

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study was conducted at the request of education policymakers who participate in the Montana Rural Recruitment and Retention Task Force. Like many states, Montana is struggling to recruit and retain qualified educators, especially in certain subject areas and in more rural parts of the state. The purpose of this study is to provide information that will help the task force address these challenges. Task force members asked REL Northwest to examine the following questions: (1) What is the extent of educator shortages in the state in 2017/18? How do educator shortage patterns vary by characteristics of school systems?; (2) To what extent did educators stay in their position and school system, move to a different position within the school system, move to a different school system,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Striving Readers Project. Intent to Treat Descriptive Variable Analyses

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The New York State Education Department, in partnership with the New York City Department of Education, developed a “Striving Readers project” to address the literacy needs of early adolescent struggling readers in middle school. The goal of the project was to implement and examine the impact of a one-year comprehensive supplemental literacy intervention offered in New York City middle schools. The 11 schools included in the study were drawn from 4 of the 5 boroughs of New York City, and were relatively homogeneous. Most were primarily male, and Hispanic/Latino. Furthermore, the majority of the students represented diverse backgrounds. The schools served grades 6-8, though ranged in size as well as number of teachers. The sample students were chosen from the pool who had earned scores of 2… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – How and Why Do Teacher Credentials Matter for Student Achievement? Working Paper 2. Revised

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Education researchers and policymakers agree that teachers differ in terms of quality and that quality matters for student achievement. Despite prodigious amounts of research, however, debate still persists about the causal relationship between specific teacher credentials and student achievement. In this paper, we use a rich administrative data set from North Carolina to explore a range of questions related to the relationship between teacher characteristics and credentials on the one hand and student achievement on the other. Though the basic questions underlying this research are not new–and, indeed, have been explored in many papers over the years within the rubric of the “education production function”–the availability of data on all teachers and students in North Carolina over a ten-year period allows us to explore them in more… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Learning Preferences of Saudi University Students with Native English Speaking Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Like many countries building up human and technological resources, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has embarked on the goal of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) to its citizens. One goal for the KSA Ministry of Education is increasing acceptance rates at teacher colleges for both genders specializing in English, in addition to Arabic, Math, Science and Computer Science (The Executive Summary of the Ministry of Education Ten-Year Plan, 2005). Virtually all government policies come with unexpected results. For example, Native English speaking teachers (NESTs) teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) often interact in ways that can be at odds with their host countries. Concerns involving pedagogy have been expressed in many countries with TEFL programs using NESTs (Degen & Absalom, 1998; Liu &… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Innovations in Math/Science Teacher Education: A New Population; A Revised Training Agenda.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A special program was initiated in 1985 at George Washington University to encourage persons from other careers to pursue a second career in teaching in the Washington D.C. area. This report describes the variables that had to be and are continuing to be considered in the design of this training effort for mid-career professionals. Factors considered include: (1) difference in the culture of the school and the environment of the first career; (2) developmental process of learning; (3) the educated consumer and teacher education; (4) the attributes and experiences of the career population; (5) match between the mid-career professional and the level and age of the student population; (6) certification is critical, the degree is not; and (7) part-time student/full-time professional. Perspectives are also offered on reform… Continue Reading