har udgivet: Math is often taught poorly emphasizing rote, procedural methods rather than creativity and problem solving. Alberta Education developed a new mathematics curriculum to transform mathematics teaching to inquiry driven methods. This revised curriculum provides a new vision for mathematics and creates opportunities and requirements for professional learning by teachers. Conventional offsite, after school, or weekend professional development is typically “sit and listen, maybe try on Monday”. Professional development that is embedded, responsive, and personalized is known to be more effective at changing teaching practice. Alberta teachers are geographically dispersed making online professional learning a desirable alternative to on-site workshops. As access to and use of the Internet gains momentum in schools across the country, opportunities for collaborative, online professional development become more viable. The online professional development… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper outlines a University-School District partnership with the intent to increase the number of middle grades mathematics and science teachers. This externally funded initiative includes onsite, authentically situated professional development for pre- and in-service teachers at three different urban, low-socioeconomic schools with a majority Hispanic population of students. Program objectives include increasing mathematics and science content knowledge, increasing self-efficacy in teaching math and science, building and incorporating a success-driven school culture and infrastructure to increase student performance in a well-articulated, scalable and transformable model. Program components include site based common planning times, STEM Thursdays where science and mathematics lessons are practiced and refined, authentic summer research opportunities for pre- and in-service teachers to work with scientists and university faculty, teacher certification workshops and a mentoring model… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This article reports the findings of a joint unit plan critique project between two preservice teacher cohorts seeking teacher certification in general education and special education respectively. The paper addressed three questions: 1) What common affordances does this joint project have for the general and special education preservice teachers? 2) What unique affordances does it have for each of the groups? 3) What do the preservice teachers learn about the use of visuals, technology, and UDL principles to create accessible math lessons for all students? The results showed that the project impacted positively on the preservice teachers by allowing them to gain deeper understanding of professional collaboration and use of technology and visual resources to differentiate instruction for all students. Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This article looks at how professional learning communities (PLCs) have become an operational approach for professional development with potential to de-isolate the teaching experience in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The authors offer a short synopsis of the intellectual origins of PLCs, provide multiple examples of PLCs employed in projects funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through its Math and Science Partnership (MSP) program, and consider benefits for varied aspects of the teaching and learning environment. (Contains 1 footnote.) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper outlines how shared decision making among teacher education faculty, preK-12 educators, and the Science and Mathematics faculty at Wright State University successfully led to the preparation of quality educators. It offers a historical overview of the Wright State redesign efforts, then: examines the university’s collaboration for teacher content preparation; clarifies how learned society guidelines and state teacher performance requirements (Praxis III) are integrated into an electronic portfolio template; demonstrates the documentation of content and teaching proficiency via electronic portfolios; and presents the evaluation process used in a multi-faceted renewal project. It describes: the university-school district partnership agreement; the Professional Educator Program (the culmination of the college’s efforts to be a collaborative partner in teacher preparation and professional development of K-12 practitioners); lessons learned; experiences using… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This study explored the connections between teacher leadership and a professional development model focused on problem-solving, Math Teachers’ Circles (MTC). Surveys were completed by 213 MTC participants resulting in three years of data across multiple sites. A mathematics education leadership framework provided a data analysis tool. Findings suggested MTCs did impact participant teacher leadership, as survey results attended to all three areas of leadership from the analysis framework. [For the complete proceedings, see ED583989.] Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The aim of this case study is to demonstrate how a co-design approach could be used within design-based research (DBR) with diverse multi-stakeholders in the LUMA1 ecosystem to promote social creativity towards novel student-based solutions and pedagogical innovations. As a case, a national LUMA2020 development program (2019-2020), organized by the national LUMA Centre Finland and funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, was studied in detail. The different data sources (e.g. an action plan, written observations) were analysed through qualitative content analysis. The Edelson’s design-based research model used in the program offered a systematic framework or a map for codesigning both the action plan and its implementation. The co-design approach within the model was organised through three stages to engage all multistakeholders (altogether about three… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Education policymakers and leaders often say that the opinions and observations of teachers are among the most important information to help explain and understand what is happening in schools. Teachers’ voices can inject a sense of classroom and school-level realism into those discussions and add clarity and credibility to issues that are often clouded by competing interests. The Center on Education Policy (CEP), in an effort to gather and amplify teachers’ voices about current education issues and their own profession, conducted a national survey of public school K-12 teachers in the winter of 2015-16. The survey focused on a strategic set of issues for policymakers, educators, business leaders, and the public, including teachers’ views on their profession, standards, testing, and evaluations. The nationally representative sample surveyed for… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper examines a social design-based approach to supporting beginning elementary school teachers toward ambitious and equitable mathematics teaching. First-year teachers were enlisted as co-designers of a learning community aimed at supporting participants to build classroom math communities that leverage students’ diverse mathematical resources. Findings show that teachers collectively moved from thinking about teaching as fixing local problems to engaging in relational investigations of teaching and learning that centered students’ mathematical experiences. This shift supported teachers to take up and make progress toward complex problems of practice in their classroom teaching. This study has implications for how we conceptualize, analyze, and design for equity-oriented learning for beginning teachers. [For the complete proceedings, see ED606556.] Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This resource is part of a series produced by the Center for Standards and Assessment Implementation (CSAI) to assist teachers and those who support teachers to plan teaching and learning from College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS) for all students, including students with disabilities, English learners, academically at-risk students, students living in extreme poverty, and gifted/talented students. The series of resources addresses key shifts in learning and teaching represented in the CCRS. This resource uses the Common Core State Standards (CCSS; National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010) as an example of CCRS. The processes described in this resource are applicable to all States’ CCRS, including the CCSS. The content of this resource is drawn from leading theory and research… Continue Reading →
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