Eric.ed.gov – Access to Effective Teaching for Disadvantaged Students. NCEE 2014-4001

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Recent federal initiatives emphasize measuring teacher effectiveness and ensuring that disadvantaged students have equal access to effective teachers. This study substantially broadens the existing evidence on access to effective teaching by examining access in 29 geographically dispersed school districts over the 2008-2009 to 2010-2011 school years. The report describes disadvantaged students’ access to effective teaching in grades 4 through 8 in English/language arts (ELA) and math, using value-added analysis to measure effective teaching. On average, disadvantaged students had less access to effective teaching in these districts. Providing equal access to effective teaching for FRL and non-FRL students would reduce the student achievement gap from 28 percentile points to 26 percentile points in ELA and from 26 percentile points to 24 percentile points in math in a given… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teaching Efficacy along the Development of Teaching Expertise among Science and Math Teachers in Taiwan.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: For many teacher education programs, the development of the effective teacher is one of their primary goals. Research has shown that teachers’ sense of efficacy is a significant indicator of effective teacher teachers. This study attempts to reveal novice, beginning, and expert science and mathematics in-service or pre-service teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and how the teachers’ knowledge is related to their sense of efficacy. The expert and beginner teachers reported higher teaching efficacy than the novice teachers as measured by a formal psychological scale. The experts and beginners also related more teaching efficacy-related statements than novices. (Contains 33 references.) (ASK) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – How the Experts Teach Math. Research in Brief.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Findings are reported from a six-year study of seven expert mathematics teachers who taught in elementary schools in very poor neighborhoods with “difficult” students or in economically depressed areas with high unemployment. Compared with novice teachers, the expert teachers used time more wisely, organized lessons better, and knew their content and how to help children learn it. Each of these aspects is discussed with specifics noted. The three aspects are intertwined, and expert teachers know how to combine the three so that their students are successful. (MNS) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – How and Why Do Teacher Credentials Matter for Student Achievement? Working Paper 2. Revised

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Education researchers and policymakers agree that teachers differ in terms of quality and that quality matters for student achievement. Despite prodigious amounts of research, however, debate still persists about the causal relationship between specific teacher credentials and student achievement. In this paper, we use a rich administrative data set from North Carolina to explore a range of questions related to the relationship between teacher characteristics and credentials on the one hand and student achievement on the other. Though the basic questions underlying this research are not new–and, indeed, have been explored in many papers over the years within the rubric of the “education production function”–the availability of data on all teachers and students in North Carolina over a ten-year period allows us to explore them in more… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Principals’ Perceptions of the Causes of Teacher Ineffectiveness in Different Secondary Subjects

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: With issues of teacher quality in the spotlight, it has been suggested that teachers of mathematics and science too often lack content knowledge in the subjects they teach. Accordingly, research is needed to determine whether teacher ineffectiveness in these subjects is more frequently caused by deficiencies in content knowledge or in pedagogical knowledge, and whether teachers of mathematics and science are more often content-deficient relative to other teachers. Research as such requires that teacher performance be assessed, but this assessment has proven contentious. Use of principals’ evaluations to assess teacher performance, while hardly foolproof, has the advantage of providing school-level managers’ perspective on whether content knowledge or pedagogical knowledge constitutes the more frequent perceived cause of teacher ineffectiveness in secondary schools, especially in mathematics and science. Research… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Improving Teacher Quality Program: 2008 Grants and Current Research. Commission Report 08-17

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Every year, the Improving Teacher Quality State Grants Program issues a Request for Proposals (RFP) to award funds provided annually from the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. In recent years, each RFP has focused on a specific objective tied to state priorities in teacher quality. Six grants were awarded in 2008: (1) Bell Gardens Science Project; (2) Science and Academic Library; (3) Algebraic Learning in Elementary Grades: Results, Independence, Achievement (ALEGRIA!); (4) Teacher Efficacy Affects Math and Science Success (TEAMS!); (5) Advancing Collaboration For Equity In Science (ACES); and (6) Making Algebra Accessible Project (MAAP). Since 2005, the grants have required scientifically based evaluation research in each project. The intent is to extend project evaluation beyond evaluating whether grants effectively carried out the promised… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Missing Data and Mixed Results: The Effects of Teach For America on Student Achievement Revisited

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper revisits existing experimental work on Teach For America (TFA) and extends it by examining treatment effects across the distribution of student achievement. TFA is a rapidly expanding teacher preparation program that currently serves over half a million students in low-income districts across the country. Previous research results did not have notable variation by subgroup. Estimates were inaccurate due to the treatment of a non-response code as a valid response value. Revised estimates confirm positive effects for math and not reading, but show that TFA teachers were especially effective for African American students, but not Hispanics, and for females, but not males. In addition to examining differences across subgroup, others have argued that a distributional approach is important for thoroughly investigating policy interventions because examinations focused… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – How Non-Linearity and Grade-Level Differences Complicate the Validation of Observation Protocols

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teacher evaluation is currently a major policy issue at all levels of the K-12 system driven in large part by current US Department of Education requirements. The main objective of this study is to explore the patterns of relationship between observational scores and value-added measures of teacher performance in math classrooms and the variation in these relationships across grade levels. While the MET analyses used a single composite score consisting of a simple average of the eight component scores of the protocol, in our work we treated each component separately since each measures a separately definable aspect of classroom practice. Specifically, across all the components, the authors pose the following questions: (1) Do the relationships between observation scores of math teachers and their value-added scores tend to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Instruction Quality or Working Condition? The Effects of Part-Time Faculty on Student Academic Outcomes in Community College Introductory Courses

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: More than half of community college courses are taught by part-time faculty. Drawing on data from six community colleges, this study estimates the effects of part-time faculty versus full-time faculty on students’ current and subsequent course outcomes in developmental and gateway courses, using course fixed effects and propensity score matching to minimize bias arising from student self-sorting across and within courses. We find that part-time faculty have negative effects on student subsequent enrollments. These negative effects are driven by results in math courses. We also find that course schedules could explain substantial proportions of the estimated negative effects, while faculty individual characteristics could not. Survey results on faculty professional experiences suggest that part-time faculty had less institutional knowledge regarding both academic and nonacademic services. We infer that… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – State Teacher Policy Yearbook: Progress on Teacher Quality, 2007. National Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Countless reports have analyzed the impact of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 on teacher quality and student achievement. What many of these reports truly leave behind, however, is the reality that state governments–not the federal government–have the strongest impact on the work of America’s 3.1 million teachers. With that in mind, three years ago the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) began the process of analyzing states’ teacher policies. NCTQ analysts sifted through tens of thousands of pages of state codes, regulations and rules, regularly corresponding with state officials who graciously provided their important knowledge and perspectives. The “State Teacher Policy Yearbook” is the first project of its kind to provide a 360-degree detailed analysis of any and every policy that states have that… Continue Reading