Eric.ed.gov – Routines in Expert Math Teachers’ Thoughts and Actions.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This research was designed to elucidate the activity structures and routines of elementary mathematics teachers by describing what they are, analyzing their frequency and duration, analyzing the functions that routines serve for the cognitive processes of teachers, and beginning to model the chains of routines and their fit with planned or spontaneous actions that make up a lesson. Five “expert” teachers and four novice student teachers, along with their classes, comprised the sample. They were observed over a 3-1/2 month period, with note-taking, videotapes and transcribed interviews providing data. For each teacher, transcribed notes and interviews were analyzed and broken down into action records giving duration, action of student, action of teacher, and a name for the action. For two experts and one novice teacher, a more… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The State We’re In: 2012. A Report Card on Public Education in Illinois

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report assesses Illinois’ academic performance from early childhood through postsecondary, providing a snapshot of how Illinois compares to other states and nations as we collectively work to provide all students a world-class education. The analysis is divided into three parts: (1) The first section examines how Illinois public schools serve 2 million students by spotlighting performance on key academic milestones such as 4th-grade reading, 8th-grade math, college readiness in core subjects and postsecondary graduation; (2) The second section examines the interlocking set of reforms that state education leaders, legislators and advocates have crafted to lay the foundation for future academic growth since the State We’re In: 2010. The report also illustrates how the various initiatives fit together to lay a strong academic foundation for Illinois going… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Qualifications and Classroom Performance of Teachers Moving to Charter Schools. Working Paper 27

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Do charter schools draw good teachers from traditional, mainstream public schools? Using a panel dataset of all North Carolina public school teachers from 1997-2007, this research paper finds nuanced patterns of teacher quality flowing into charter schools. High rates of inexperienced and uncertified teachers moved to charter schools, but among certified teachers changing schools, the on-paper qualifications of charter movers were better or no different than the qualifications of teachers moving to comparable mainstream schools. Estimated measures of classroom performance for a subset of grade 3-5 teachers show that charter movers were more effective in math and reading instruction, relative to other mobile teachers. Charter movers compared less favorably, however, to non-mobile teachers and colleagues within their sending schools. The distribution of classroom performance among future charter… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Closing the Math and Science Gap.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: High schools throughout the United States are turning out graduates who are deficient in mathematics and science education. The field of education has come to be staffed by less competent teachers, as more qualified and more able individuals have been lured away to higher paying professions. The result of this has been the impairment of American ability to compete in the world market. Many high schools have deemphasized traditional core courses along with mathematics and the sciences. The National Education Association (NEA) has been a barrier to quality science and mathematics education in the public schools. The NEA has resisted efforts to institute standardized testing for teachers or assessment of teacher competence. The Department of Education has had deleterious effects on education, since it tends to promote… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – “Educate to Innovate”: How the Obama Plan for STEM Education Falls Short. Backgrounder. No. 2504

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: President Obama’s Educate to Innovate initiative has provided billions in additional federal funding for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education programs across the country. The Administration’s recognition of the importance of STEM education– for global competitiveness as well as for national security–is good and important. But the past 50 years suggest that federal initiatives are unlikely to solve the fundamental problem of American underperformance in STEM education. Heritage Foundation education and national security analysts explain that, though Educate to Innovate is intended to raise the U.S. “from the middle to the top of the pack in science and math,” the federal program’s one-size-fits-all approach fails to remedy the underlying problems of academic performance and does not plug the leaky pipeline in the American education system. (Contains… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Unexpected Outcome: Afterschool STEM Enrichment Empowers Facilitators, Too!

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: One of the goals of afterschool programming is to empower students by increasing their sense of autonomy and giving them room to chart their own course of discovery. Long before STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) became part of the educational vernacular, afterschool practitioners were using science content and scientific practices as tools for youth empowerment. For that empowerment to happen, the youth themselves have to connect to the content and experience self-actualization. As educators work to increase their skills and knowledge to present the best experience for their students, an unexpected outcome can be an increase in their own self-efficacy and STEM identity. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Development of Curricula, Teacher Supports, and Assessments for Pre-Kindergarten Mathematics and Science

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The “MTP-Math/Science” curricula specifically target the teaching and learning of children at risk of early school failure, a population for whom achievement gaps in mathematics and science are visible even in Pre-K years. “MTP-Math” is based on Focal Areas defined by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) (2006) for Pre-K through the 8th grade and developmental trajectories for Mathematics from Pre-K to grade two advanced by Clements (2004), and further focused through a review of state Pre-Kindergarten standards. In the authors’ earlier research with the “MTP” model to support language and literacy (Pianta, Mashburn, Luckner, Myers, & Kilday, 2008), the “MTP” teacher professional development program improved the quality of classroom interactions that Pre-K students experience, which in turn, promoted children’s development of language and literacy… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Do More Effective Teachers Earn More outside of the Classroom? Working Paper Series. PEPG 10-02

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: We examine earnings records for more than 90,000 classroom teachers employed by Florida public schools between the 2001-02 and 2006-07 school years, roughly 20,000 of whom left the classroom during that time. A majority of those leaving the classroom remained employed by public school districts. Among teachers in grades 4-8 leaving for other industries, a 1 standard deviation increase in estimated value-added to student math and reading achievement is associated with 6-9 percent higher earnings outside of teaching. The relationship between effectiveness and earnings is stronger in other industries than it is for the same groups of teachers while in the classroom, suggesting that current compensation systems do not fully account for the higher opportunity wages of effective teachers. Tables are appended. (Contains 5 figures, 8 tables… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Do School Districts Get What They Pay for? Predicting Teacher Effectiveness by College Selectivity, Experience, Etc. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 10-08

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Holding a college major in education is not correlated with effectiveness in elementary and middle school classrooms, regardless of the university at which the major was earned. Teachers do become more effective with a few years of teaching experience, but (except in elementary reading) no gains–and some declines–in effectiveness appear in the second decade after a teacher has begun teaching. These and other results are obtained from estimations using value-added models that control for student characteristics as well as school and (where appropriate teacher) fixed effects that estimate teacher effectiveness in reading and math for Florida students in 4th through 8th grades for six school years, 2001-02 through 2006-07. The findings suggest that teacher selection and compensation policies are in need of revision. (Contains 2 figures, 11… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Title I Schools: The Student-Based Impact of Online, On-Demand Professional Development on Educators

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Title I students remain among the most challenging population for achieving significant gains in academic performance and standardized test scores. This multi-state, quasi-experimental, pre-versus-post study reflects the comparative Title I gains for math and reading scores for teachers participating in an online, on-demand professional development program school-wide versus non-participating Title I in their respective districts as benchmarks. Average Title I gains in reading were 4.8% (p<0.001) versus 0.1% (ns) in the non-participating Title I schools. For math scores, non-participating Title I schools in the districts saw a decline of 5.9% (p<0.001), while Title I schools participating in the professional development experienced a gain of 7.3% (p<0.001). Conclusions are that significant advantages for Title I students are achieved when teachers participate actively in such a high impact, high… Continue Reading