Eric.ed.gov – The Innovation of Learning Trajectory on Multiplication Operations for Rural Area Students in Indonesia

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The rural area’s student difficulties in learning the concept of number operation had been documented by several studies, especially for the case of multiplication. The teacher typically introduces the multiplication concepts using the formula without involving the concept itself. Furthermore, this study aims to design learning trajectory on multiplication operations in the Mathematics of GASING (Math GASING) by focusing more on the concept itself than the formula and by starting from the informal to a formal level of teaching. Design research used as the research method to solve this problem consisting of three phases, namely preliminary design, teaching experiment, and retrospective analysis. The research results show that the Math GASING has a real contribution for students to understanding and mastering in the concept of the multiplication operations.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Enactment of Lessons from a Technology-Based Curriculum: The Role of Instructional Practices in Students’ Opportunity to Learn. CPRE Research Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Digital tools and technology-based activities offer new and promising opportunities for students to actively explore mathematical concepts and ideas in ways supported by current reforms and visions of mathematics instruction. This report provides an in-depth look at the implementation of SunBay Digital Mathematics (SunBay Math) during the second year of an i3 validation project, in two large Florida districts. SunBay Math is a set of middle-school curriculum replacement units centered on the use of technology-based, dynamically linked representations to learn core mathematical concepts. We focus specifically on patterns and relationships between instructional practices and instructional quality in 26 videotaped lesson enactments that were purposefully collected to represent variation in implementation. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Out before the Game Begins: Hispanic Leaders Talk about What’s Needed to Bring More Hispanic Youngsters into Science, Technology and Math Professions

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Hispanics are one of the largest and fastest-growing minority groups in the United States. Projections indicate a need for an increase of 20% of practicing engineers by 2010. Despite the growing number of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) careers in the American economy, education statistics suggest that too few Hispanic students are being encouraged and equipped to take advantage of opportunities in technical disciplines. American business and industry and the nation’s Hispanic communities would both benefit from addressing this mismatch. In summer 2007, the IBM International Foundation asked Public Agenda to interview Hispanic and Latino leaders in a variety of fields, asking for their views on what will be needed to bring more Hispanic students into the technical and scientific disciplines. This report is based on… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Exploring Links between Foundation Phase Teachers’ Content Knowledge and Their Example Spaces

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper explores two foundation phase teachers’ example spaces (a space in the mind where examples exist) when teaching number-related topics in relation to snapshots of their content knowledge (CK). Data was collected during a pilot primary maths for teaching course that included assessments of teacher content knowledge (CK). An analysis of a content-knowledge focused pre-test developed for the larger study indicated a relatively high score for one teacher and a low score for the other. Using Rowland’s (2008) framework, an analysis of classroom practice showed associations between a higher CK and the extent of a teacher’s example space and more coherent connections between different representational forms. Although no hard claims or generalisations of the link between teachers’ example spaces and their level of mathematics content knowledge… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teaching Physics within a Next Generation Science Standards Perspective

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are an explicit document that articulates our pedagogical practices in K-12 science instruction for the United States. The document is an excellent work that describes pedagogy and road maps for building coherence of science principles and student understanding of the Nature of Science. The prescient thing about the current NGSS is that physics teachers have practiced the ideas and tenets prescribed in the NGSS decades ago. Also, the ideas espoused in the NGSS Framework can easily be transferred to other disciplines, especially Math, through specific, articulated lesson building. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Effectiveness of Using iPads to Increase Academic Task Completion by Students with Autism

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This single subject design study (ABAB) investigated the effects of using iPads in a classwide academic intervention to increase independent task completion and basic math skills of seven students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) enrolled in a special education school. The study also examined the advantages of and challenges to using iPads for classroom instruction. Traditional basic math instruction was used for the baseline phase, while a basic math skill app on an iPad was used for the intervention phase. Math probes were completed and the results recorded for four to five sessions for each of the four weeks of the study. Data on level of teacher prompting and presence of noncompliant behaviors were collected during every phase. Descriptive and visual analysis techniques were used to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Education Practices for Students with Disabilities and Other Struggling Learners: Case Studies of Six Schools in Two Northeast and Islands Region States. Issues & Answers. REL 2008-No. 053

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 requires states to ensure that all students make adequate yearly progress in achieving proficiency in English language arts and math. This study examines how six diverse schools have responded to the challenge of educating their students in math, particularly students with disabilities and other struggling learners. The report intends to help educators by providing examples and ideas to consider for their own school or district efforts to improve math teaching and learning. This report describes in-depth practices at six schools (3 in Massachusetts and 3 in New York) that are making targeted efforts to improve math education for students with disabilities and other struggling learners. It examines each school’s practices for improving the math learning of all students… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Developing Self-Efficacy: Exploring Preservice Coursework, Student Teaching, and Professional Development Experiences

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: To extend current understanding of school-based agriculture teacher development, this study explored the relationship between teacher development experiences and the self-efficacy of early career agriculture teachers. Three teacher development experiences were of interest: (a) preservice coursework, (b) student teaching, and (c) professional development. Teacher development experiences were analyzed in relation to classroom management self-efficacy, instructional strategies self-efficacy, leadership self-efficacy, science teaching self-efficacy, and math teaching self-efficacy. The relationships between development experiences and self-efficacy were analyzed through five linear regressions with teacher development experiences as independent variables and the five areas of self-efficacy as separate dependent variables. Only statistically insignificant relationships were identified for classroom management self-efficacy and instructional strategies self-efficacy. Student teaching and professional development were statistically significant, positive predictors of leadership self-efficacy. Professional development was also… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Professional Development Programs: Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) and Math as Text (MAT)

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Many people feel mathematics education in the U.S. is in need of improvement. Fennema and Franke (1992) note that teachers’ knowledge (or lack thereof) is often associated with poor instruction and thus, low student achievement on instruments which measure mathematical aptitude. For this reason, universities across the country have become mathematical and pedagogical (re)-training grounds for future, novice, and even experienced teachers. Fennema et al. (1996) indicate that the object of many professional development programs is to instill in teachers the kind of knowledge which will enable them to modify their own teaching so that students understand mathematics in a more meaningful way. But these authors also note that there is little agreement and even less evidence pointing to what specific knowledge is actually needed by teachers… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Red Light, Purple Light! Results of an Intervention to Promote School Readiness for Children from Low-Income Backgrounds

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Considerable research has examined interventions that facilitate school readiness skills in young children. One intervention, “Red Light, Purple Light Circle Time Games” (RLPL; Tominey and McClelland, 2011; Schmitt et al., 2015), includes music and movement games that aim to foster self-regulation skills. The present study (N = 157) focused on children from families with low-income and compared the RLPL intervention (SR) to a revised version of RLPL that included literacy and math content (SR+) and a Business-As-Usual (BAU) control group. In both versions of the intervention, teachers were trained to administer the self-regulation intervention in preschool classrooms with coaching support. Although not statistically significant, children receiving either version of the intervention gained more in self-regulation on the Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders (HTKS) over the preschool year compared to the BAU… Continue Reading