Eric.ed.gov – Independence and Interdependence: An Analysis of Pre-Service Candidates’ Use of Focused Assignments on an Electronic Discussion Forum during the Initial Field Experience

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article describes a case study using an electronic learning platform for creating an interactive learning community through asynchronous discussion to enhance the initial field experience of secondary math and English teacher candidates enrolled in Field Experience. We identified three problems with the field experience course–lack of structure, isolation of the candidates in the field, and passivity of the candidates. To address these problems, we established three goals–to create a way for candidates to structure their reflections in the field, to create a learning community of pre-professionals, and to foster independence and assertiveness in our candidates. With these goals in mind, focused assignments were developed and implemented in an interactive online discussion forum. The results of this study have two important implications for teacher preparation. First, the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Shift from “Learner/Doer of Mathematics” to “Teacher of Mathematics”: A Heuristic for Teacher Candidates

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Successful teacher preparation programs provide learning experiences that help teacher candidates make the shift from “student” to “teacher.” In this paper we present research on the implementation of a process for providing candidates such experiences. Utilizing the Mathematics as Teacher Heuristic (MATH) process, prospective high school mathematics teachers explore rich problems by solving the task, analyzing samples of student work, designing a solution key, and modifying the task. We use their engagement in these explorations and reflections on the process to analyse the development of candidates’ Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – The Effect of Instructional Material Design Process to Mathematics Teacher Candidates’ TPACK

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: It is inevitable to receive technology support for teacher training activities in this new era in which technology is at large in our lives. Sufficiency in terms of TPACK (Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge) is among the basic conditions for being qualified teachers. For this reason, activities for teacher candidates’ TPACK development should be involved in teacher training activities. TPACK expresses a combined knowledge, so complex activities should be consulted to increase this accumulation of knowledge. In this direction, the process of designing instructional materials allows learning by design and can address all of this integrated knowledge. In this study, in math education department of a state university in Turkey, a research was conducted with 19 teacher candidates studying in the third grade. Teacher candidates have been… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Technology in Mathematics: Issues in Educating Teacher Candidates for Rural Math Classrooms

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper examines the reality of teaching math in the rural southeast. Rural districts have low student expenditures and high transportation costs, due in part to the limited tax-base available. This leaves limited funds for technology. Universities prepare preservice teachers to teach math using the latest technology, however, many of these preservice teachers will return to classrooms with limited or out-dated technology. This paper presents a case-study of preservice students’ education and field experiences in rural northern Mississippi. Further, implications for changes in how we teach technology to preservice students who will likely return to rural settings are discussed. (Contains 3 figures.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – The Imagery Models of Mathematics Teacher Candidates on Graph of Rational and Irrational Functions

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Students of mathematics teacher candidates are required to have good math and communication skills. Therefore, students of mathematics teacher candidates need to have good imagery modalities like the rational-irrational function graph. To get the imaginary student of mathematics teacher candidate in describing the rational-irrational function graph used qualitative research method. The subjects criteria are the students of mathematics education program, pursued the real course of analysis, and have not got the material to describe the rational-irrational function graph. The research data was taken by using the task test. The data were analyzed by categorizing, looking at the independence in describing, and looking at the logic or way of thinking. The research results showed that there are ten models (5 separate models and five combined models) of students’… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Richness of Mathematics Noticed by Teacher Candidates in a Professional Development School Model

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examined how 16 female teacher candidates in two sections of a math methods course, which implemented high leverage professional development school practices, described the aspects of richness of mathematics (i.e., linking between representations, explanations, mathematical sense-making, multiple procedures or solution methods, patterns and generalizations, and mathematical language) from the “mathematical quality of instruction” (MQI; Hill et al., 2008) when observing a clinical faculty, their peers, and their own instruction. After analyzing written reflections and reflections using the Edthena video tool, we found that the teacher candidates were mainly focused on mathematical language and explanations. They described patterns and generalizations and linking between representations least frequently. Furthermore, their descriptions of mathematical language and explanations centered around instructional practices they could implement in their own classrooms, critical… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Internet and democracy: Is the Internet an important predictor for physical education teacher candidates’ attitudes towards democracy?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. Abstract Today, in the digital age, the Internet usage is common among university students. The Internet is also an important platform for actively participating in democracy. This study explores physical education (PE) candidate teachers’ attitudes toward the Internet and democracy. It also explores whether the Internet is an important predictor for democracy. In adopting the survey design, a total of 455 PE teacher candidates participated in the study. The study used the “Attitude Scale towards Internet Use” and the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Candidates’ STEM Awareness Levels

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purposes of this research are determining FeTeMM awareness level of teacher candidates and detecting being affected situations of this awareness by different variables. This is a descriptive field research and it was conducted with scanning model. This research’s study group consists of 254 (170 female and 84 male) education faculty students that are at 3rd and 4th grades of Computer, Math and Science Teaching Departments of Amasya University at 2015-2016 education year. As a data collecting tool, “FeTeMM awareness scale” -which was designed by Buyruk and Korkmaz- was used. Within data analyzing; mean, ANOVA, Schieffe and T-Tests were utilized. As a result of analysis, it was seen that teacher candidates have high level of FeTeMM awareness and gender has no effect on this awareness level. Researchers… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Candidate’s Construction Knowledge about Function and Student’s Difficulties

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The quality of mathematics assignments from teachers to students is one important element that determines whether learning is effective or not. To make quality math assignments requires knowledge from the teacher about content and students, who are subdomains of mathematical knowledge to teach. This knowledge needs to be developed in prospective mathematics teachers since programmed teacher education. By focusing on one of the basic concepts in mathematics, namely the concept of function, research was conducted on 25 mathematics teacher candidates. Through interactions that occur in modified focus group discussions, we want to find out how prospective teachers construct knowledge about the concept of functions and difficulties of students. The results showed that in constructing the concept of functions and difficulties of students, teacher candidates worked backward, there… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Practitioner Inquiry with Early Program Teacher Candidates

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This meta-analysis reports on the use of practitioner inquiry (PI) with early program teacher candidates in conjunction with elementary science and math methods courses using cognitive load theory as a theoretical framework. The findings suggest that the teacher candidates enhanced their knowledge of practice within practice across 5 dimensions of practice: inclusion, classroom discussion, classroom engagement, understanding student learning and grouping. The sixth outcome provides evidence of the ways that the practitioner inquiry fostered learning about how to learn from practice. Cognitive load theory can be used to explain the difficulty of assimilating theory into practice for emerging teacher candidates. Implications for teacher education are included. Link til kilde