Eric.ed.gov – Innovative Schools in Michigan. Connect: Making Learning Personal

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This second issue of “Connect” highlights innovative teaching as practiced by teachers and administrators in Michigan schools as they seek to provide greater personalization for every student’s learning. Nicholas Provenzano and Ben Gilpin give field reports from their schools, which have implemented a version of 20-Time–a concept borrowed from business where it has been used to encourage creativity in product development. 20-Time seeks to promote students’ motivation, autonomy, and communication and interpersonal skills in collaborative endeavors–all characteristics deemed essential for their working careers. Tara Maynard and Delia Bush provide field reports on their flipped math classes. Flipped classrooms take advantage of technology by reversing the traditional schoolwork-homework activities. This arrangement allows greater personalization, and creates extra class time for teachers to help individual students or small groups… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Assessing the Potential of Using Value-Added Estimates of Teacher Job Performance for Making Tenure Decisions. Brief 3

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This research brief presents selected findings from work examining the stability of value-added model estimates of teacher effectiveness and their implication for tenure policies. Findings show year-to-year correlations in teacher effects are modest, but pre-tenure estimates of teacher job performance do predict estimated post-tenure performance in both math and reading, and would therefore seem to be a reasonable metric to use as a factor in making substantive teacher selection decisions. (Contains 2 tables, 2 figures, and 15 notes.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Making Math Leaders: The San Francisco Math Leadership Project. 1984-1988.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The San Francisco Math Leadership Project is an attempt to re-educate elementary teachers, many of whom do not consider mathematics their favorite subject and have limited mathematics backgrounds. The task is to increase the mathematics knowledge of these teachers and build their confidence in their own ability to do mathematics and to teach it. Leadership development begins with a 4-week summer institute and continues with workshops presented by participants at their school sites. In this paper, discussions include background of former participants, goals of the project, and leadership activities of former participants. Three graphs and three tables are included, as well as survey forms and responses. (DC) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – A Perspective on Race Equity and Science and Math Education: Toward Making Science and Math for All.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This keynote address focuses on equity in science and mathematics education. The science and math achievement of minority and poor children are discussed from an instructional policy perspective with emphasis on who gets access to what knowledge. The discussion about the politics of knowledge acquisition involves a discussion of race, class, and gender and highlights the fact that even though there have been substantial gains, the fact remains that a student’s status as minority or poor or female severely impairs that student’s likelihood of acquiring a quality educational experience, particularly with regard to science and math. An analysis of data reveals that with respect to curriculum there are no substandard schools; however, there are significant differences in teacher qualifications and teacher attitudes. Compared to students not in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Making Friends and Buying Robots: How to Leverage Collaborations and Collections to Support STEM Learning

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In a climate of increased interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), school libraries have unique opportunities to grow collections and cultivate partnerships in the sciences. At the federal level and in many states, STEM initiatives encourage hands-on exposure to technologies and open the door for student-led discovery of tools related to robotics, coding, programming, and electronics. Influenced by local STEM initiatives, the Learning Resource Center (LRC) at the University of Wyoming Lab School decided to create a circulating collection of STEM kits. (The UW Lab School is a tuition free charter school with a diverse population selected by lottery.) This school library also partnered with Lab School teachers to explore these STEM collections and to develop programming and a curriculum to teach digital literacies and… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Making learning effective – quantity and quality of pre-service teachers’ feedback

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Feedback is an essential formative assessment practice that has the potential to influence student learning and achievement positively. Providing effective feedback, however, is a challenging task for teachers. Especially beginning teachers struggle with the provision of information that supports students in developing and improving their competences. Learning to provide feedback thus is an important aspect of teacher education. The present exploratory study investigates pre-service chemistry teachers’ practices regarding the judgement of students’ level of achievement and the provision of feedback in the context of the control-of-variables strategy. A sample of N = 40 bachelor and master students at Kiel University judged students’ written artefacts and provided feedback with the aim to support students in their progression towards the learning goals.… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The Influence of Lecturers’ Expectations of Students’ Role in Meaning Making on the Nature of their Powerpoint slides and the Quality of Students’ Note-making: A First-year Biology Class Context

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Learning within first-year biology is about inquiry, but in this content-heavy science students can easily fall into the trap of parrot-fashion learning. This study investigates the influence of lecturers’ expectation of students in meaning making on the nature of their slides and the quality of students’ note-making. Data were collected by classroom observations, video-recordings, a questionnaire for students and interviews with lecturers and students. The quantity and quality of students’ notes were analysed for four lectures. The analysis of data resulted in three categories of lecturers: ‘student-centred’, ‘student-directed’ and ‘teacher-centred’. The student-centred lecturers provided key points on their slides, anticipated that students would build on their class notes and focused on the development of the students’ critical-thinking ability. The… Continue Reading