har udgivet: A 1992 conference on mathematics and science teaching focused on two specific topics: enhanced professional development for educators and better instructional materials for the classroom. Teachers, members of Congress, governors, teacher educators, professors, researchers, and policymakers shared what they believed was needed to be done to improve mathematics and science education in the United States. This booklet reports the views of the participants and the general consensus of the conference regarding changes needed in the education system. The concepts of systemic reform in education and the setting of national standards as exemplified by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics are discussed in section 1. The second section discusses the necessity of providing all children with an opportunity to learn mathematics and science. The third section reports… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This is a report on the hearing for solutions to the problems in science, mathematics, and engineering education at the postsecondary level. Topics of prepared statements and the testifiers are: (1) educating scientists and engineers (Daryl E. Chubin); (2) science and engineering education needs viewed from the perspectives of the national laboratories (E. Michael Campbell); (3) current status and plan for United States-based companies (M. J. Montague); (4) quality education for minorities (R. O. Hope); (5) programs of excellence in mathematics education (Shirley A. Hill); (6) problems and solutions in elementary school science (Cynthia K. Yocum); (7) students, teachers, and resources in secondary school science (Kent Kavanaugh); (8) education satellite networks (Hal Gardner); (9) challenge and future of science education (Dennis M. Wint); (10) preserving Americas’ scientific… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This report presents an update of the progress of Tapping America’s Potential (TAP), a coalition of 15 of the nation’s leading business organizations, and assesses three years’ progress since 2005 in working towards the goal of doubling the number of students earning bachelor’s degrees in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by 2015. The report finds that since the initial TAP report that was issued three years ago, 2002-2006 data have become available that show U.S. STEM bachelor’s degrees awarded in that period fall short of what will be required to reach 400,000 by 2015. While the number of STEM degrees awarded has remained relatively flat for three years, the policy changes the business community has called for to attract and retain more undergraduate STEM majors have… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Education Program is the largest federal program for training elementary and secondary teachers in mathematics and science. It has two major components: the national program provides funding for projects of national significance and the state grant program allocates 75% of the funds to different types of state agencies and local school districts and the remaining 25% to the state agency for higher education. This document reports on: (1) how state grant funds are spent, (2) how experts view proposed improvements to the program, (3) how well the Department of Education collects and analyzes data on the program, and (4) how the various federal agencies sponsoring math and science education programs coordinate their efforts. The report concludes that the predominately short-term… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: A conference/workshop held in late 1979 which was aimed at improving the teaching of mathematics is reviewed. The conference was a response to the PRIME-80 conference of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), which had produced recommendations that something should be done to reverse the decline of educational skills among entering college freshmen. The conference was viewed as a success by both the participants and the organizers. It was stated that many colleges can offer a conference of this sort in their own community that could focus on the particular needs and issues in mathematics education for the region. Such a conference can provide benefits that can far outweigh the small monetary outlay. (MP) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Eisenhower Pre-Service Teacher Education Project was developed by the University of Central Florida, the five community colleges in Region III of the Higher Education Consortium, and the private college and universities in the same region to design curriculum changes to improve the preparation of elementary and secondary math and science teachers. Faculty members at participating institutions developed projects designed to both improve the math and science content knowledge of pre-service teachers, as well as teaching methods in undergraduate math and science courses. Funded projects included the following: (1) the introduction of “hands-on” activities into college Astronomy and Oceanography courses; (2) the identification of potential K-12 pre-service teachers during their freshman and sophomore years to improve their math and science backgrounds; (3) the development of a field… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In this study, special education teachers identified students with learning disabilities who were working on math skills usually taught two grades below the grade in which the student was enrolled. Each student (n=33) took two levels of the MAT/7 math computation test, an on-grade test, and an out-of-level test intended for students two grades below. All levels of the MAT/7 are statistically linked to permit scores comparisons across levels. On average, the students obtained a higher scale score on the on-grade test (mean=557) than on the out-of-level test (mean=541). When a correction was made for random guessing, the mean scale score on the on-grade test (mean=535) was lower than the mean scale score on the out-of-level test (mean=550), although the difference was not statistically significant. More of… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: “Alabama Education News” is published monthly except for June, July, and December by the Alabama Department of Education. This publication, authorized by Section 16-2-4 of the “Code of Alabama”, as recompiled in 1975, is a public service of the Alabama Department of Education designed to inform citizens and educators about programs and goals of public education in Alabama. This issue contains the following articles: (1) Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative Plays a Starring Role in Boosting Student Achievement; (2) 2004-2005 Teacher of the Year Named; (3) Power the Classroom with APTPLUS: Free Online Media-Rich Resources to Enhance Teaching!; and (4) What’s Juicy and Sweet and Fun to Eat? Alabama’s New Official State Fruit, The Blackberry. Regular features include: (1) Good News in Alabama Schools; (2) Awards,… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This is a handbook intended for use at a 1-day conference for 170 seventh and eighth grade girls, their parents, counselors, and math/science teachers. It is meant to stimulate interest in exploring career options in mathematics and science related areas. Sections included are: (1) “Introduction”; (2) “Conference Objectives”; (3) “Promotion/Recruitment”; (4) “Conference Day Format” (presenting the procedures and handout materials of the 1-day program); (5) “Recommendations–Do’s and Don’ts”; (6) “Follow-up Activities” (providing materials for the activities); and (7) “Resources” (listing media and organizations). (YP) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This article reports on a study that investigated the causes underlying a sample of eighteen third-year Australian pre-service primary teachers’ negative beliefs and anxiety about mathematics. It was found that most of the participants’ maths-anxiety could be attributed to their primary school experiences in learning mathematics. Situations such as teaching mathematics or being evaluated in mathematics were noted as particularly stressful and mathematical topics such as algebra, space and number sense were specifically identified to cause maths- anxiety. The paper concludes with a brief discussion about the implications of these findings for an ensuing program whose purpose is to help these pre-service teachers address their negative beliefs and anxieties about mathematics. [For complete proceedings, see ED489597.] Link til kilde
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