Eric.ed.gov – National Migrant Education Program Math Skills Information System.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The educational background and issues which shaped the design of the National Migrant Education Program Math Skills Information System are explained in this report, along with a full description of the features of the system and its operation. It discusses the variety of math skills information used to permit teachers to input and receive math skills information about migrant students in order to insure continuity of education. Discussion covers the (1) issues and factors affecting the design of the Migrant Student Record Transfer System (MSRTS) Math Skills Information System–its users, skills information needs, math skills hierarchy, continuity, “proper” math skills; (2) background and design considerations of the MSRTS Math Skills List–nature of math as a subject matter, anatomy of a math skill statement, selection of the level… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – hm Math Study Skills Program. Teacher’s Guide.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This program, which provides an introduction to study skills in mathematics for pre-algebra students through a series of 10 activity-oriented units, is structured on the assumption that activity-oriented lessons are the most effective way to teach study skills. By completing activities in the units, students learn about study skills needed for mathematics and practice those skills in a mathematics environment. The program addresses a wide range of student needs, providing an introduction to specific skills for students who have little sense of a particular study skill, providing a learning experience of initial mastery for students who are ready to acquire a skill, and offering review and reinforcement for students who have mastered a given skill. Topic areas of the units include: listening as a mathematical skill, problem… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Outcome Framework for School Garden Program Development and Evaluation: A Delphi Approach

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: School gardens programs and garden-based education are positioned to become fixtures in educational institutions given recent trends and the national interest in gardens at school sites. Agricultural education professionals have integrated school gardens into core science, social studies, math, and language arts courses as well as agricultural education programs for elementary, middle, and high school curriculum. The literature shows that while there are specific curriculum links being made, school garden programs elicit a multitude of benefits in addition to enhancing student performance. Although the literature outlines an extensive set of impacts that may result from a school garden program, they are grounded in a specific case or intervention. Those who are planning for and evaluating school garden programs are left to make connections based on case study… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Recruiting, Preparing, and Retaining High Quality Secondary Mathematics and Science Teachers for Urban Schools: The Cal Teach Experimental Program

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Recruiting, preparing, and retaining high quality secondary mathematics and science teachers are three of the most critical problems in the nation’s urban schools that serve a vast majority of children from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Although the factors contributing to these problems are complex, one area that has caught the attention of leaders of the teacher education community centers are the alternative pathways (or routes) through which teachers are trained and allowed into the profession. Many of these alternative pathways, teacher educators argue, aim to move teachers into teaching on a fast track and thereby short-change the necessary training that candidates need to have to become adequately prepared as classroom teachers. This article looks at the arguments on both sides: proponents and critics of traditional and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Attitude and Academic Achievement of High School Students in Mathematics under the Conditional Cash Transfer Program

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Students’ accomplishment in mathematics is a component of their home condition, attitudes towards the discipline, and curriculum that clarify varieties in students’ achievement. The study determined the attitudes and academic achievement of students who are recipients of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) towards mathematics in a public national high school, Bohol, Philippines. It utilized the descriptive research to gather data on the achievement and attitude of students towards mathematics. The 112 respondents answered a standardized survey questionnaire, Attitudes toward Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) constructed, which contains self-confidence, value, enjoyment, and motivation. The gathered data were statistically treated using frequency, simple percentage, and Pearson r. The study revealed that respondents fairly performed in their achievement in math. Also, it found out that the students’ attitudes have a significant relationship with… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Do School Districts Get What They Pay for? Predicting Teacher Effectiveness by College Selectivity, Experience, Etc. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 10-08

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Holding a college major in education is not correlated with effectiveness in elementary and middle school classrooms, regardless of the university at which the major was earned. Teachers do become more effective with a few years of teaching experience, but (except in elementary reading) no gains–and some declines–in effectiveness appear in the second decade after a teacher has begun teaching. These and other results are obtained from estimations using value-added models that control for student characteristics as well as school and (where appropriate teacher) fixed effects that estimate teacher effectiveness in reading and math for Florida students in 4th through 8th grades for six school years, 2001-02 through 2006-07. The findings suggest that teacher selection and compensation policies are in need of revision. (Contains 2 figures, 11… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Jaime Escalante Math Program.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article describes the Jaime Escalante Math Program, a system that in 1989 helped an East Los Angeles high school set a record by administering over 450 Advanced Placement exams, having administered only 10 tests in 1978. The article is presented in three sections. The first section describes the program, discussing origins and backgrounds: student recruitment, the curriculum, scheduling, textbooks used, past graduates as models of achievement, community resources recruitment, and teaching methods. The second section describes the fundamental principles of the Escalante Math Program. Ideas discussed include student, teacher, and parent accountability, hard work, teacher expectation, love for the students, parental involvement, mutual respect, proper nutrition, and preventing drug use. The final section, on psychology and the schools, proposes that teachers who encourage, discipline, and motivate… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program. Report to the Legislature

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program (WCAP) is a maturing and stable program. In 2016-17 it included: (1) Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) in English Language Arts (ELA) and math for students in grades 3-8 and high school; (2) Measurements of Student Progress (MSP) in science for grades 5 and 8; (3) End-of-Course exams in math and biology; and (4) Specialized testing for English proficiency, alternate achievement standards, and graduation alternatives. Spring 2017 represented the third year of Smarter Balanced testing. In spring 2017, a total of 580,276 students took the ELA tests and 558,631 students took the math tests. Students with significant cognitive challenges can take an alternate assessment, the Washington Access to Instruction and Measurement (WA-AIM). In spring 2017, about 6,000 students took the WA-AIM. Washington is… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Incentive Pay and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from the NYC Bonus Program. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 10-07

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teacher Incentive Pay and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from the NYC Bonus Program. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 10-07 Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – The Impact of Incentives on Effort: Teacher Bonuses in North Carolina. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 10-06

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teacher effort, a critical component of education production, has been largely ignored in the literature due to measurement difficulties. Using a principal-agent model, North Carolina public school data, and the state’s unique accountability system that rewards teachers for school-level academic growth, we show that we can distill effort from teacher absence data and capture its effect on student achievement in a structural framework. We find that: (1) Incentives lead teachers to try harder. The bonus program reduced the number of sick days taken by about 0.6 days for an average teacher; (2) When teachers try harder, students do better. Increased effort of teachers translates into improved student performance. Estimates show that standardized reading scores increased by about 1.3% of a standard deviation and standardized math scores by… Continue Reading