har udgivet: An educational crisis has been reported from many scholarly platforms for the last quarter century. The United States is faced with the challenge of providing a secondary science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, especially in secondary pre-engineering, that will lead its students to the fulfillment of academic and domestic success. Educational reform is paramount in defining goals for the future and in reaching those goals both in secondary education institutions and in the nation. The educational crisis addressed in this research is characterized by K-12 public education not producing students who have the necessary skills or inclination to be successful in college and university engineering programs across the nation. Today, there are many programs available for public schools to participate in pre-engineering. The purpose of this… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This document is a first-person account by the mathematics coordinator at Temple University dealing with the segment of the TTT (Trainers of Teacher Trainers) project held at the Reynolds Elementary School. The stated purpose of this segment was to provide on-the-job experience in the area of elementary school mathematics. The basic program procedure is described as follows: TTT clinicians tried out contemporary teaching strategies and materials while working with fifth- and sixth-grade mathematics pupils; the classroom teachers also became involved in the planning and utilization of the mathematics laboratory; during the third year the mathematics laboratory moved to larger quarters, and the emphasis changed from assisting pupils to assisting teachers. The author defines the centralized mathematics laboratory which was used in this project as a room separate… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Accelerated Math and Science (AMS) Project is a 3 year program funded by the California Migrant Education Program Improvement Program. It targets 6th, 7th, and 8th grade low-achieving migrant students who are 2 to 4 years behind their language peer group. Two questions guided the second year evaluation study for the Region IX Migrant Education program: (1) How successful was the training provided to migrant students in science and math?, and (2) Did the attitude of participating migrant students change towards science and math? Middle schools, low achieving, migrant students (n=94) were recruited based upon: (1) inappropriate age/grade placement; (2) those students whose parents expressed a high degree of interest and commitment, to ensure student attendance in AMS; (3) students who had absentee rates of 10%… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. ABSTRACT Selection of competent employees is one of the numerous factors that determine the success of a project. The literature describes many approaches that help decision makers to recruit candidates with the required skills. Only a few of them consider the disruptions that can occur during the implementation of a project, such as employee absenteeism and fluctuations in the duration of activities, etc. Collectively, what these approaches amount to is proactive planning of employee teams with redundant competences. Searching… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Research for Action (RFA) has completed its second year of a five-year external evaluation of the Project Leadership and Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Initiative in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District (CMS). Project LIFT is a public-private partnership between CMS and the local philanthropic and business communities in Charlotte, designed to turn around nine schools in the West Charlotte Corridor. Starting in the 2012-13 school year, Project LIFT operates as a semi-autonomous Learning Community within CMS, providing the initiative with CMS infrastructural support and access to an initial $55 Million investment of private resources to drive a multifaceted reform effort in Charlotte’s highest poverty schools. Project LIFT’s long-term goals are to significantly improve student achievement in the following ways: 1) 90% of students will achieve proficiency in math and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Disability Research Encompassing Native Americans in Math and Science (DREAMS) is a comprehensive program that offers math and science experiences to Native American students with disabilities and encourages systems change in schools on or near Indian reservations in related domains. These domains include development of science instructional models based on hands-on learning and conceptual development, approaches to meet national science and mathematics standards, infusion of Native American culture into instruction and methods, accommodations for students with disabilities in science and math instruction, and career exploration in technical fields. DREAMS is a partnership between the University of North Dakota and 10-12 public and tribal schools in North Dakota. Project activities include curriculum and materials development; two annual week-long summer institutes for students, parents, and teachers; teacher education in… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article engages with Julian Culp’s Democratic Education in a Globalized World from the perspective of political philosophy in a global world. The focus is on liberalism. From this angle, Culp’s book entails three important claims. The first is that a right to basic education on the global level exists, i.e. a right to education for everybody independent of one’s nation state. The second claim is that the implementation of this right is not a task for each nation state alone but of world society as a whole. This implies that countries that are able to provide more than basic education to its citizens have a duty to redistribute part of their excess resources to help poor countries… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) is one of two large scale international comparative projects of student assessment that now exert considerable influence upon school science education policy, the other being TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study). This paper focuses on PISA, now the most influential study. This article outlines the origins of PISA, identifies some of the challenges in its construction and the claims made for it. It argues that while the statistical and methodological aspects of PISA have received much research attention, other elements of PISA have been largely ignored. In particular, there are several outcomes of PISA testing that point towards a significant research agenda. In addition, the political, ideological and economic assumptions… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This guide presents math-focused learning projects and accompanying inquiry activities to help students pass the math portion of the GED 2002. It is Volume 2 of a proposed four-volume series; Volume 1 describing the concept of the GED as project is also available. Section 1 relates GED as project to the math portion of the GED and explains how inquiry activities use Official GED Math Practice Test questions as stimuli and can serve as models for teacher-designed activities. It introduces the template for math inquiry activities, a series of steps and questions that fulfill the learner-centered thinking and process this guide proposes. Section 2 is an introductory learning project that helps learners comprehend and internalize information about the GED, “GED Math and You.” The two inquiry activities… Continue Reading →
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