har udgivet: Increased requirements for inclusion have created a growing demand for special educators to have content expertise in areas such as math and science. One recommended practice involves integrating the “big ideas” that are the foundation for understanding mathematics and science across the curriculum. Teachers also need to create a classroom climate that is supportive and content rich. Grouping students into pairs or triads supports student needs. Special educators can collaborate with other teachers by creating a bank of instructional activities on selected math and science topics. Collaborative strategies can be modeled through peer tutoring. Students should be encouraged to explore metacognitive thinking styles so they can apply metacognitive strategies to their daily lives. Skills outlined by standards should be presented in an order that makes sense to… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Writing activities can be used to cultivate students’ enthusiasm for learning. This book shows teachers how to introduce their students to the benefits of writing in a variety of subjects including math, language arts, science, social studies, and art. Each chapter in the book includes an observation that allows readers to enter a classroom and see how the teacher uses specific writing assignments to sustain and deepen students’ interaction with subject matter. Each chapter also includes examples of student writing that resulted from each activity; detailed discussion showing how the writing exercises benefited students and teachers; writing prompts; and strategies to evaluate and comment on student writing. Chapters in the book are: (1) Getting Started: Journals and Learning Logs; (2) Putting Ideas in Order: Narratives and Problem… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The document is from a presentation at the Texas Region VII 2014 Curriculum Conference. The study examined the effects of a three-tiered high school program designed to increase student achievement and Texas end-of-course (EOC) TAKS and STAAR chemistry scores. The student sample (n = 625) consisted 75% high school sophomores and 25% high school juniors. EOC test results showed the presenter’s students (on-level, inclusion (IN) special education, limited English proficiency (LEP), economically disadvantaged (EDS), and 504 monitored) scored yearly in the 90% passing range. From 2008 to the present, results indicated that the students made significant academic progress. The three-tiered program components were based on school culture findings, productive classroom management research, and classroom programs and strategies. This program will also apply to 6-12 math and social… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This manual describes the process used in determining the objectives of a project to develop effective remediation strategies for use by teachers of mathematics. It presents two tools developed for use in assessing remedial mathematics teaching: (1) the “Effective Remedial Mathematics Checklist,” for use in supervising teachers of remedial math, and (2) the “Math Remediation Methods Questionnaire (MRMQ),” designed to assess what teachers, as a group, know about effective remediation in mathematics. Information is presented on the theoretical background, test development, test administration, scoring, and analysis. Appended are (1) the checklist; (2) the questionnaire, Form A (K-6); (3) the questionnaire, Form B (7-12); and (4) an extensive bibliography. (TE) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This pamphlet offers tips and strategies from teachers who are successful in encouraging both girls and boys to participate in the classroom. Although successful teachers are all different, each classroom has the following things in common: (1) the classroom environment is respectful of students and teachers; (2) all students participate in class; and (3) the classrooms incorporate multiple modes of learning. Sections of the pamphlet include: (1) “Teachers’ Tips and Strategies”; (2) “From Harassment to Respect: Changing Classroom Climates”; (3) “We’re All in This Together: Improving Classroom Interaction”; and (4) “Motivation, Fun, and Hard Work: Increasing Academic Success.” A 9-item reference and sources section concludes the pamphlet. (EH) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper overviews strategies employed by the Appalachian Rural Systemic Initiative (ARSI) to implement systemic reform in math, science, and technology education in rural Appalachia. ARSI is one of four Rural Systemic Initiative projects funded by the National Science Foundation to target regions characterized by low population density and high levels of poverty. The initiative targeted 66 counties encompassing 89 school districts in Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. The ARSI project is based on two fundamental strategies: school and community-based action and technology as a tool for access. Specifically, the initiative involved the creation of six regional resource collaboratives made up of key organizations such as universities and community colleges, business and industry, federal and state agencies, teacher enhancement projects, exemplary schools, and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this practicum was to increase motivation and self-confidence of grade four students in mathematics achievement. Measured were the increase in the number of students displaying mastery of the times-tables, increase in the number of students making a gain on a math post-test, and increase in the number of students liking mathematics. Administered to the students were a math attitude questionnaire and a math pretest on basic math skills to determine the students’ attitude toward math and to determine the students’ performance level. Mental Math activities, math games design contests, in-class competitions, grade level competition, computer, calculators, systematic reviews, student-teacher interaction, and projects were used to help increase students’ interest and to increase math achievement. This study includes the following chapters: (1) “Introduction”; (2) “Study… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Mastering algebra is important for future math and postsecondary success. Educators will find practical recommendations for how to improve algebra instruction in the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) practice guide, “Teaching Strategies for Improving Algebra Knowledge in Middle and High School Students”. The methods and examples included in the guide focus on helping students analyze solved problems, recognize structure, and utilize alternative approaches to solving algebra problems. Each recommendation includes the level of supporting research evidence behind it, examples to use in class, and solutions to potential implementation roadblocks. Teachers can implement these strategies in conjunction with existing standards or curricula. In addition, these strategies can be utilized for all students learning algebra in grades 6-12 and in diverse contexts, including during both formative and summative assessment. Administrators… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The main goal of this study is to find out the effect of the instructional design method on the enhancement of problem solving abilities of students. Teaching sessions were applied to ten students who are in 11th grade, to teach them problem solving strategies which are working backwards, finding pattern, adopting a different point of view, solving a simpler analogous problem, extreme cases, make drawing, intelligent guessing and testing, accounting all possibilities, organizing data, logical reasoning. Our study based on one-on-one (teacher-experimenter and student) design experiments where we conduct teaching sessions with a small group of students to study in depth and detail. We designed sessions to teach high school students, problem-solving strategies in a ten-week long period. Before and after the application of instructional design, 12… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Having a more effective teacher or principal can substantially improve students’ academic outcomes. The Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) program, established in 2006, provided competitive grants to help states and districts implement a multi-strategy approach to enhancing educator effectiveness. TIF grantees were required to measure educator performance and use this information to make decisions about the support and compensation they provide for educators. The 2015 reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act replaced TIF with the Teacher and School Leaders (TSL) Incentive Grants program. This program, like the TIF program, provides grants to eligible entities to develop, implement, improve, or expand performance-based compensation systems and human capital management systems in schools. This brief brings together the findings of two studies from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES)… Continue Reading →
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