Eric.ed.gov – What Schools Can Do To Improve Math and Science Achievement by Minority and Female Students.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In 1991, the President announced America 2000, a complex and long-range plan designed to move every community toward the six national education goals. Consistent with this, the Office for Civil Rights instituted a National Enforcement Strategy designed to help protect equal educational opportunity for all students. This pamphlet has been prepared principally for elementary and secondary school teachers, counselors, and administrators who serve in school systems that have programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. It reviews survey data concerning the representation of minority and female students in math and science courses at the elementary and secondary level and attainment of postsecondary degrees in these academic disciplines. Also, information is provided, based on research findings and experience gained to date, on ways for improving interest and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Predicting High School Students’ Interest in Majoring in a STEM Field: Insight into High School Students’ Postsecondary Plans

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examined how various individual, family, and school level contextual factors impact the likelihood of planning to major in one of the science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) fields for high school students. A binary logistic regression model was developed to determine the extent to which each of the covariates helped to predict such academic interest. High school course taking in science and performance on science and math standardized tests were significantly and positively related to an increased interest in STEM. College aspirations were significant, and those with loftier educational goals were generally more likely to plan to major in a STEM field. Other individual-level factors also played a significant role, as male high school students were significantly more likely to have an early interest in… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The reflection level and the construction of professional identity of university students

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT To strengthen students’ professional identity (PI), it is vital to give reflection a central place in higher education. The aim of this study is to determine the extent to which students reflect on five components of PI (self-image, self-esteem, task perception, job motivation and future perspective) and at what reflection level. Twenty-five reflection narratives from Spanish and Dutch students from five different study programmes were qualitatively analysed and quantitatively evaluated to find out about students’ identifying and self-assessing PI components. The results indicate that PI components were clearly recognizable in the reflection reports and could be classified using one of the four levels of reflection with high inter-rater reliability. About 40% of the students achieved the critical reflection… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Inspiring the Next Generation of Innovators: Students, Parents and Educators Speak up about Science Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report presents the findings from Project Tomorrow’s 2007 Speak Up Survey, informing international discussions about how to improve science learning in the 21st century through an exploration of student, teacher, parent, and school leader attitudes about science education. Project Tomorrow administered its survey in all 50 United States, the District of Columbia, American Department of Defense Schools, Canada, Mexico, and Australia. The top participating states included: Texas, California, Arizona, Illinois, Alabama, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Michigan. Project Tomorrow surveyed 319,223 K-12 students, 25,544 teachers, 19,726 parents, and 3,263 school leaders. Respondents were from 3,729 schools and 867 districts. Ninety-seven percent were from public schools; three percent were from private schools. School locations were 32 percent urban, 40 percent suburban, and 29 percent rural. Forty-three… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math and Science Gateway – A Successful Model for High School Educators and Students.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Cornell University (New York) Cornell Theory Center (CTC), a national center for high performance computing, has created the award-winning Math and Science Gateway for grades 9-12 resources from the World Wide Web, organized in a fashion familiar to both educators and students, with links to resources in the areas of mathematics, computing, biology, chemistry, the earth, the ocean, the environment, meteorology, health, medicine, engineering, astronomy, and physics. The section for secondary school teachers contains information on curriculum, software for the classroom, and Internet access in the schools. The Gateway is updated frequently, with new materials being added and outdated information removed. From this successful initiative, other gateways are being designed by high school teachers. Topics discussed include K-12 education at CTC; a description of the Gateway;… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Changing the “Ecosystem” of Preservice Math and Science Methods Classes To Enhance Students’ Social, Cognitive, and Emotional Development.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This research examines the critical factors in a science/math methods course and its effect on the dispositions of preservice elementary education majors. In order to break the cyclical axiom that “teachers teach as they were taught,” this study used a paired-t test design to indicate any significance. The preservice education majors indicated that they felt more prepared to teach developmentally-appropriate lessons in Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Astronomy. There was a development of a positive self-efficacy, which will have a great impact on the effectiveness of the new teachers. Constructivism as a theory of learning and teaching and as a significant factor in developing a heightened sense of self-efficacy was the theory used in the classes. In order to learn math and science, the learner… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Experts’ Opinions on National Math Standards for Students with Disabilities. Technical Report 3.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Eleven experts in mathematics education, special education, and assessment completed an open-ended survey on current math instruction in relation to the “Curriculum and Evaluation Standards” of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the perceived appropriateness and feasibility of the standards for students with disabilities. In general, the experts agreed that adoption of the Standards has been minimal and that math education in practice continues to emphasize basic skills. Two opposing viewpoints were evident in the experts’ responses. One viewpoint was that the Standards did not recognize the importance of individual differences and were not better than current practice in math education. The opposing viewpoint was that the Standards reflected a vision of what mathematics should be and that minimal, nonsubstantial modifications were needed for students… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Students’ views about the purpose of higher education: a comparative analysis of six European countries

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Across Europe, assumptions are often made within the academic literature and by some social commentators that students have come to understand the purpose of higher education (HE) in increasingly instrumental terms. This is often linked to processes of marketisation and neo-liberalisation across the Global North, in which the value of HE has come to be associated with economic reward and labour market participation and measured through a relatively narrow range of metrics. It is also associated with the establishment, in 2010, of the European Higher Education Area, which is argued to have brought about the refiguration of European universities around an Anglo-American model. Scholars have contended that students have become consumer-like in their behaviour and preoccupied by labour… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Languages for Learning: Granting All Students Access to New Skills. Fishman Prize Series

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A single great teacher can change a life by introducing a new language, helping you master a new skill or opening a door you never knew was there. That’s why every year, TNTP awards the Fishman Prize for Superlative Classroom Practice: to celebrate a select cohort of public school teachers who demonstrate exceptionally effective teaching with students from high-poverty communities. Founded in 2012, the Prize is named for Shira Fishman, a TNTP-trained math teacher who has received local and national recognition for her achievements at McKinley Technology High School in Washington, D.C., where she continues to teach today. Each year the selection process becomes more difficult. The winning teachers receive $25,000 each–one of the country’s largest monetary awards for practicing teachers. During the summer of their award… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) Shrinks Gap in Kindergarten Readiness for Economically Disadvantaged Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: One important reason early childhood education contributes to the overall success of students in the K-12 system is that it helps students start kindergarten better prepared. Every kindergartener entering a public school in Arkansas is given the Qualls Early Learning Inventory (QELI). This is a developmentally appropriate assessment that observes known cognitive knowledge and classroom behaviors that are linked to success in school. It also provides a snapshot of how prepared students are entering kindergarten. The QELI has six areas of assessment: General Knowledge, Oral Communication, Written Language, Math Concepts, Work Habits, and Attentive Behaviors. Through a series of observations and questions, teachers determine if the student is Not Developed, Developing, or Developed in each of the six areas. QELI scores for 130,583 students from 2008-2012 were… Continue Reading