Eric.ed.gov – Anxiety about Mathematics among University Students: A Multidimensional Study in the 21st Century

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The aim of this research was to examine university students’ anxiety about mathematics, teaching mathematics in the 21st century and the views on mathematics teachers. A total of 100 students studying in 10 different departments of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of a private university in the 2018-2019 academic years participated in this study. The data were collected by demographic questions, semi-structured open-ended questions consisting as well as questions about mathematics teaching in the 21st century prepared by the researchers and through the ‘Mathematics Anxiety Scale’. According to the results, there were significant differences in terms of the mathematics anxiety level of students who graduated from high school those have low average maths grades. Meanwhile, an average level of anxiety was observed data collected from… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Does a Math-Enhanced Curriculum and Instructional Approach Diminish Students’ Attainment of Technical Skills? A Year-Long Experimental Study in Agricultural Power and Technology

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to empirically test the posit that students who participated in a contextualized, mathematics-enhanced high school agricultural power and technology (APT) curriculum and aligned instructional approach would not differ significantly (p less than 0.05) in their technical competence from students who participated in the traditional APT curriculum and instruction. This study included teachers and students from 32 high schools in Oklahoma (16 experimental classrooms; 16 control classrooms). Students were enrolled in an APT course during the 2004-2005 school year. The experimental design used was a posttest only control group; unit of analysis was the classroom. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the study’s null hypothesis. The measure of students’ technical competence did not reveal results that held statistical significance… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Learning conceptions and priorities of adult engineering students in higher education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The learning conceptions and priorities of adult learners in higher education institutions (HEIs) are essential to explicating the meaning adults make to teaching and learning processes as well as their knowledge and skills development. Through knowledge formulation, comprehension and reflection of what they learn, adult learners develop a mental framework of their learning engagement and experiences which are also relevant to their personal and career development. Using a mixed method of gathering and analysing data, a survey was carried out among vocational engineering adult learners (n = 200) while focus group discussions were organised for students (n = 27) from the same population. The result showed that teaching and learning methods as well as the relationship between adult learners’ core technical knowledge… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Creating a network between community college students in first-year seminars and in capstone courses using writing assignments

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Writing, a critical pedagogical tool, cultivates student learning and fosters deeper understanding of the material. When frequent, low -stakes (informal) writing activities help students write more freely, engage with the material and thus become active learners. Looking at students who are at opposite ends of a community college spectrum, this article compares and contrasts students’ writing skills using low-stakes assignments, including peer-reviewing of each other’s work, in a capstone course and in a First-Year Seminar in terms of organization, clarity in communication and content analysis. The data generated from this study stem from an interdisciplinary collaboration among three instructors from Humanities, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, with the goal of creating a network between students in First-Year Seminars and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Finding the Maths: Helping Students Connect Their Mathematical Knowledge to Other Contexts

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The plethora of data that confronts teachers on a daily basis requires that they know more than simply being able to calculate. It demands that they understand the context in which the mathematical ideas are embedded and what those ideas are telling them in relation to that context. Also, it necessitates that they are prepared to question how data, and the associated claims, are presented. For primary teachers, the implication is that they must be prepared to help their students to develop these skills. The “Finding the Maths” strategy described in this article has been shown to be successful in helping students achieve this outcome. The aim of using this strategy is to encourage students to develop the three types of thinking referred to in the numeracy… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Attitudes of Students and Teachers towards the Use of Interactive Whiteboards in Elementary and Secondary School Classrooms

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Recently much have been invested in the interactive whiteboard educational technology in Turkey. The government is still wishful to spread it to schools of all levels. This study tries to understand teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward interactive whiteboard technology along with differences in attitudes resulting from some demographic factors. Two parallel surveys consisting of 25 items were applied to 255 students and 23 teachers from three private schools. Students from sixth to twelfth grades and teachers from 15 different branches participated in this research study. The results indicate that interactive whiteboards are highly rated by both teachers and students. Students mostly prefer the usage of interactive whiteboards in math courses, and their attitudes differ across their genders and school levels. As students get elder, their positive attitudes… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Exploratory Study of Effective Online Learning: Assessing Satisfaction Levels of Graduate Students of Mathematics Education Associated with Human and Design Factors of an Online Course

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This exploratory research project investigated graduate students’ satisfaction levels with online learning associated with human (professor/instructor and instructional associate) and design factors (course structure and technical aspects) using a survey study. A total of 81 graduate students (master’s students who majored in math and science education) enrolled in an online math methods course (Conceptual Geometry) participated in this study. According to the results of this study, student satisfaction level is closely associated with clear guidelines on assignment, rubrics, and constructive feedback. In addition, student satisfaction level is related to professor’s (or course instructor’s) knowledge of materials. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Putting all students in one basket does not produce equality: gender-specific effects of curricular intensification in upper secondary school

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In recent decades, several countries have made an effort to increase the enrollment rates and performance of students in science and mathematics by means of mandatory, rigorous course work, which is often referred to as curricular intensification (CI). However, there is a lack of research on intended and unintended effects of CI reforms on achievement and motivation. Using representative data from the National Educational Panel Study, we examined effects of a prototypical CI reform in 1 German state. We compared data from the last student cohort before and the first student cohort after the reform at the end of upper secondary school. There was no statistically significant effect on average achievement. However, we found first evidence for differential… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Developing the Students’ Ability in Understanding Mathematics and Self-Confidence with VBA for Excel

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Visual Basic Application for Excel is a simple program language and has the power to process data quickly. The utilization of math functions in Microsoft Excel can help work on Excel display more interactive so that teachers can create props inside Excel. The advantages of Microsoft Excel than other mathematical software are the many math functions and images available in the form of shapes or pictures. The availability of VBA, math and image functions in Microsoft Excel help teachers to design the creation of media related to mathematics learning, especially to develop the ability of junior high school students who have difficulty to connect mathematics lessons with basic mathematics knowledge requirements. By using VBA for Excel, the ability of junior high school students to improve in the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Educators’ Perceptions of Mathematically Gifted Students and a Socially Supportive Learning Environment–A Case Study of a Finnish Upper Secondary School

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article explores five educators’ conceptions of the characteristics of mathematically gifted students and a social learning environment that supports their development in a school for mathematically gifted adolescents in Finland. We conducted this qualitative study through semi-structured interviews and participant observations in a Finnish upper secondary school with a special mathematics program. The research shows that gifted students and their educators form a tight community, the social learning environment of which supports shared motivation, healthy perfectionism, and practicing social skills. The results deepen the understanding of gifted education in the Finnish context and the significance of educators’ shared understanding of social activities as a basis for successful gifted education. Link til kilde