Eric.ed.gov – TeachLivE™ Rehearsals: One HBCU’s Study on Prospective Teachers’ Reformed Instructional Practices and Their Mathematical Affect

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Scholars posit that descriptive education research that focuses on the instructional dynamic between teachers and students is perhaps one the most salient research topics that can improve learning and teaching. This case study seeks to describe prospective teachers’ mathematical affect as they engage in “rehearse teaching” in TeachLivE™, a mixed-reality simulated classroom. Utilizing Goldin et al.’s (2011) engagement structures as evidence of mathematical affect, findings reveal that simulated rehearsals improve prospective teachers’ reformed-based teaching and that this improvement may be related to their improved ‘in-the-moment’ affective states. This study potentially connects prospective teachers’ beliefs and emotions as math learners with their behaviors and instructional praxes as novice math teachers. [For the complete proceedings, see ED583608.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Turnover in Maine: Analysis of Staffing Patterns from 2005-06 to 2016-17

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: There have long been anecdotal reports that some Maine districts have difficulty filling vacancies and retaining teachers. This is a common lament for schools in rural areas, and for schools across the state in hiring teachers for certain subject areas-namely math, science, special education, and foreign languages. Current policy initiatives in Maine such as the push for proficiency-based high school diplomas are raising the stakes for schools to employ high-quality teachers in all content areas. There is a concern that schools facing persistent teacher shortages may struggle to provide a comprehensive educational program, resulting in inequitable learning opportunities for their students. To further investigate the empirical evidence behind these anecdotal reports, the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs commissioned this study of the Maine Education… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – How to Assess the Potential to Teach: New Evidence from a STEM Teacher Assessment Centre Model in England. Data Insights Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Recruiting and retaining excellent teachers remains a pressing policy issue in education systems worldwide. According to UNESCO estimates, 68.8 million teachers will need to be recruited globally to meet Sustainable Development Goal 4. However, simply recruiting more teachers will not be enough to meet this challenge: we need to recruit high-quality teachers who provide high-quality lessons to improve learner outcomes — and who will remain in the teaching profession. The high number of teachers who leave teaching early in their careers means that there is a crisis in teacher retention, and high staff turnover constitutes a major drain on the resources available to develop a strong education system. As part of our commitment to research and development, we have invested in the review of our Future Teaching… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Early Career Teachers’ Evolving Content-Area Literacy Practices

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Becoming effective teachers is dependent upon a variety of factors intersecting with early career teachers’ beginning teaching experiences. This paper provides a glimpse into ways in which four early career secondary school teachers began to embed literacies into their teaching practices in content areas and how their approaches shifted between the final term of their teacher education program in 2013 and their first year of teaching in 2014. The authors explore three factors that may shape the practices of early career teachers, with disciplinary specialties in science, math, social studies, and other content areas, as they persist in infusing their teaching practice with literacy strategies over the first year of teaching, or alternatively discontinue using these strategies. These factors are coursework in a “Literacy in the Content… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Supporting Beginning Teachers to Engage in Relational Investigations of Teaching and Learning

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper examines a social design-based approach to supporting beginning elementary school teachers toward ambitious and equitable mathematics teaching. First-year teachers were enlisted as co-designers of a learning community aimed at supporting participants to build classroom math communities that leverage students’ diverse mathematical resources. Findings show that teachers collectively moved from thinking about teaching as fixing local problems to engaging in relational investigations of teaching and learning that centered students’ mathematical experiences. This shift supported teachers to take up and make progress toward complex problems of practice in their classroom teaching. This study has implications for how we conceptualize, analyze, and design for equity-oriented learning for beginning teachers. [For the complete proceedings, see ED606556.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – The Demise of Creativity in Tomorrow’s Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In the last several years a good deal of public discourse was devoted to describing the effects that more than two decades of education reforms, the last iteration of which was known as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), has had on teaching and learning. It is widely argued that coupling teacher evaluations with students’ test scores, enforced standardization, and over-reliance on testing for measuring achievement results in a deadened curriculum hyper-focused on math and ELA achievement, divorced from lived experience, the arts, sciences, and history (Ravitch, 2013). The specific focus of this study was to examine the consequences of schooling under the reform mandates of the last two decades on the next generation of teachers. The authors investigated anecdotal evidence shared by teacher educators regarding teacher… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Turnover and Access to Effective Teachers in the School District of Philadelphia. Appendixes. REL 2020-037

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document contains the appendixes for the full report, “Teacher Turnover and Access to Effective Teachers in the School District of Philadelphia”. The School District of Philadelphia (SDP) provided data on teacher employment, teacher characteristics, student-teacher linkages, and school characteristics. The district’s Office of Research and Evaluation provided data on the grades and subjects that teachers taught by school year and data that enabled the study team to identify each student’s teachers by subject for research question 1. Finally, the Office of Research and Evaluation provided data on school characteristics, including student demographic characteristics, student proficiency level on state math and English language arts assessments, and school-level results from districtwide teacher surveys. A list of all data sources and variables used in the study, along with the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – What Are the Effects of Teach for America on Math, English Language Arts, and Science Outcomes of K-12 Students in the USA? Campbell Systematic Reviews 2018:7

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Research shows that there is a shortage of effective teachers in many rural and urban K-12 public schools serving the highest proportions of high-poverty students across the United States. In the past 10 years, alternative route teacher preparation programs aiming to address this shortage proliferated across the United States. These programs seek to increase the supply of teachers more rapidly than traditional teacher preparation programs, and although their requirements vary widely, most are shorter, less expensive, and more practically oriented than traditional teacher preparation programs. Such programs however, vary widely. Teach For America (TFA) is a nation-wide alternate route teacher preparation program designed to address the shortage of effective teachers, specifically in high-poverty rural and urban schools across the United States. The authors assert that TFA should… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Creating Effective Video to Promote Student-Centered Teaching

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Training and investing teachers at all career levels in student-centered practices is widely recognized as a significant challenge. Various studies document the failure of student-centered teaching practices to take hold in K-12 mathematics classrooms in significant ways, including collaborative work; problems that are cognitively demanding or that encourage connections, inquiry-based approaches; teacher questioning to enhance student understanding; classroom-based performance assessments; and student choice. While pre-service math-teacher education is not solely to blame for this failure, it is also the case that pre-service training has been relatively unsuccessful at promoting nontraditional teaching practices in new mathematics teachers, in spite of the efforts and intentions of university-based teacher educators. Overcoming resistance to student-centered methods has been the author’s major challenge in teaching the secondary-level mathematics-methods course in her institution’s… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Is More than Numbers: Beginning Bilingual Teachers’ Mathematics Teaching Practices and Their Opportunities to Learn

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this article, the author provides results from a 3-year, longitudinal study that examined two novice bilingual teachers’ mathematics teaching practices and their professional opportunities to learn to teach. Primary data sources included videotaped mathematics lessons, teacher interviews, and field notes of their teacher preparation methods courses. Findings revealed that the teachers were oriented toward differing views of learning that shaped how they organized students’ learning of language and mathematics during classroom instruction. While both teachers used similar teaching strategies to support students’ development of mathematics specific literacies, there were variances in how the learners were positioned within the classroom community and how and which repertoires of language practices were available and used during mathematics instruction. The teachers’ differing orientations toward learning are traced to their own… Continue Reading