har udgivet: Criteria for placement tests on math skills of adult basic education (ABE) students are needed to develop tests that are not too “school-like” because the ABE students are often blocked by math anxiety due to past negative school experiences, students may encounter language problems that affect their math skills, simple math problems do not measure practical problem-solving skills, and a placement test having only right and wrong answers does not provide insight into mathematical procedures of adults. These are the criteria: (1) adult students should be enabled to show the best they can; (2) language in a placement test should not hamper the student from doing the math test; (3) adults, in particular second language learners, should have a chance to apply their own mathematical procedures and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This publication describes features of the South Central Kansas Elementary Math-Science (SOCKEMS) project developed as a child-centered program, although the actual teaching materials and methods are not described. Materials are presented in such a way that children learn science by using their perceptual ability to great extent. Considerable emphasis is placed on concrete, tangible, observable investigative activities. Inservice teacher workshops to orient teachers with the methods and materials are provided. Evaluation of the program showed considerable student success related to short term and long term achievement and attitudinal changes. This work was prepared under an ESEA Title III contract. (PS) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This book reports on a study of the implementation of the 1995 Mathematics Curriculum Framework conducted by the Massachusetts Teachers Association’s Center for Educational Quality and Professional Development (CEQ). It examines whether schools and districts provide students with the curriculum and instruction necessary to succeed on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) Mathematics Test. This study concludes that in the process of implementing elements of education reform, teachers and principals have been marginalized by the state agency. (KHR) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The field of early childhood holds promising keys to unlocking many of the mysteries in learning. Educators in the field, given the right tools, have the potential to have a profound impact on the long-term success of their students. The design of this curriculum comes directly out of the incredible possibilities set in motion while exploring this field. Early childhood programs have three essential components or learners. Primary learners are the child, the parent(s) and the teacher. In order to best serve the child, early childhood programs must not only focus on the curriculum and programmatic issues, but must also spend time training staff and providing learning opportunities for parents. Successful early childhood programs aim to employ the most effective resources available to meet the needs of… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Learning by Making (LbyM) project is funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Investing in Innovation Fund (i3). As a five-year development project (2014-2018), Sonoma State University (SSU), in partnership with high-need schools and districts, has been developing an innovative, integrated high school Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) curriculum. The curriculum consists of Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) in earth science and biology as described in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS, 2013) and utilizes an easy-to-use Logo programming language that conducts data transfer and network communications in support of student-designed investigations. The purpose of this study is to understand how LbyM is implemented in high school classrooms in rural environments, to observe the influences of this curriculum on student learning and engagement, and to explore… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The shift to the Common Core at the Lazaro Cardenas Elementary School, a pre-K to third grade school in a predominantly Latino area in southwest Chicago, rested on instructional improvement efforts Jeremy Feiwell initiated five years earlier in 2006, when he became Cardenas’s principal. Feiwell knew from his years as a teacher at Cardenas that curriculum and instruction at the school varied widely–every teacher was doing something different in his or her classroom. Meanwhile, the school–where 52 percent of students are English language learners and 97 percent come from low-income households–was the lowest performing of the 23 schools in the community. By 2016, the school was the highest performing in math in the south side of Chicago, and one of the top schools for reading. Cardenas’s staff… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The concept of project-based learning (PBL) has garnered wide support among a number of K-12 education policy advocates and funders. This working paper builds on and updates a seminal literature review of PBL published in 2000. Focused primarily on articles and studies that have emerged in the 17 years since then, the working paper discusses the principles that underlie PBL, how PBL has been used in K-12 settings, the challenges teachers have confronted in implementing it, how school and district factors influence its adoption, and what is known about its effectiveness in improving students’ learning outcomes. PBL is grounded in cross-cutting “design principles” often related to what is taught, how it is taught, and how students should be evaluated in a PBL classroom. PBL design principles emphasize… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: “Informed math self-placement,” a program implemented at American River College in Sacramento, California, to determine students’ readiness for college-level math, has been in place for three years. This case study describes the development and implementation of math self-placement at American River. Math self-placement consists of a Web-based testing and information site that allows students, or potential students, to gauge their level of math proficiency prior to talking with a counselor or enrolling in classes. Math faculty members and administrators are hopeful that self-placement, as an alternative to traditional placement, will provide students with concrete knowledge and experience about math standards, since self-placement includes actual self-assessment instruments (tests), developed and approved by the college’s math faculty. American River’s experience in math self-placement is noteworthy in its potential to… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Many states have adopted the Common Core Standards for literacy and math and have begun enacting these standards in school curriculum. In states where these standards have been adopted, professional educators working in K-12 contexts have been working to create transition plans from existing state-based standards to the Common Core standards. A part of this process has included re-aligning professional development models to support implementation of these new standards. While K-12 professional educators have been hard at work in this changeover, little attention has been paid to early childhood contexts and the need of pre-school curriculum to support learners in moving toward new kindergarten goals in the Common Core. This study examines the alignment between an existent professional development model for preschool literacy widely employed in one… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Given the importance of early mathematics instruction and curricula for preventing mathematics difficulties in later grades, it is necessary to identify effective mathematics curricula and instruction to ensure that children become proficient in early mathematics content and procedures. Everyday Mathematics (EM), was reviewed by the What Works Clearinghouse and is reported to have “potentially positive effects” on students’ mathematics achievement. However, most of the studies that have evaluated EM have used quasi-experimental designs or are small-scale randomized control trials. This study reports the preliminary year one findings for Kindergarten and 3rd grade cohorts of the first scale-up evaluation of this widely used curriculum. The results of this study will contribute to understanding whether EM is effective in promoting mathematic proficiency in the elementary grades when implemented “at… Continue Reading →
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