har udgivet: This case study of a math and science teacher in a private religious school looks at the impact of a teacher’s religious beliefs on her experience of engaging with ethical issues in her practice. A Freirean ethical framework is used to analyze her struggles with differences between her own personal religious convictions and those of the school in which she teaches, avoiding undue influence on her students’ developing beliefs, and the inherent violence of schooling. This case provides an example of ways in which discussions with teachers about professional ethics might be broadened beyond codes and regulations to the everyday embodied, social milieu in which they work. Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Scholars posit that descriptive education research that focuses on the instructional dynamic between teachers and students is perhaps one the most salient research topics that can improve learning and teaching. This case study seeks to describe prospective teachers’ mathematical affect as they engage in “rehearse teaching” in TeachLivE™, a mixed-reality simulated classroom. Utilizing Goldin et al.’s (2011) engagement structures as evidence of mathematical affect, findings reveal that simulated rehearsals improve prospective teachers’ reformed-based teaching and that this improvement may be related to their improved ‘in-the-moment’ affective states. This study potentially connects prospective teachers’ beliefs and emotions as math learners with their behaviors and instructional praxes as novice math teachers. [For the complete proceedings, see ED583608.] Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: We examine how teachers from two alternative preparation programs–Teach for America (TFA) and Kansas City Teacher Residency (KCTR)–contribute to the teacher labor market in and around Kansas City, Missouri. We show that TFA and KCTR teachers are more likely than other teachers to work in charter schools, and more broadly, in schools with high concentrations of low-income, low-performing, and underrepresented minority (Black and Hispanic) students. TFA and KCTR teachers are themselves more racial/ethnically diverse than the larger local-area teaching workforce, but only KCTR teachers are more diverse than teachers in the same districts in which they work. In math in grades 4-8 we find sizeable, positive impacts of TFA and KCTR teachers on test-score growth relative to non-program teachers. We also estimate positive impacts on test-score growth… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The combined goals of recruiting and retaining effective teachers are often difficult to realize due to fluctuating student enrollments and class-size targets, teaching-load norms or requirements, and budgetary and resource constraints. While schools and districts market and recruit bright new teachers to the field, they too, struggle to maintain enticing career development standards that would retain the most effective teachers in the district. With the high turnover in schools, student achievement suffers. Teacher attrition has grown by 50% over the past fifteen years. The national teacher turnover rate has risen to 16.8%. In urban schools, it is over 20% and, in some schools and districts, the teacher dropout rate is actually higher than the student dropout rate. School districts fall into a chronic cycle of hiring and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: While early childhood practitioners have long been asked to have complex understandings of child development and provide rich, meaningful educational experiences for children, focusing on mathematics marks new terrain. Consequently, teacher educators are now tasked with figuring out how to communicate new ideas about early mathematics education to early childhood practitioners, yet we know little about their work. This paper examines what early childhood teacher educators have to say about their work. We found that there were only small differences in how they described: (1) what they teach; (2) how to teach it; (3) resources they draw from; and (4) what informs their work. When there were differences in their approaches, these often were reflective of whether the teacher educators had more of an early childhood or… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: It is widely believed that the teacher is one of the most important factors influencing a student’s success at school. In many countries, teachers’ salaries and promotion prospects are determined by their students’ performance. Value-added models (VAMs) are increasingly used to measure teacher effectiveness to reward or penalize teachers. The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between teacher effectiveness and student academic performance, controlling for other contextual factors, such as student and school characteristics. The data are based on 7543 Grade 8 students matched with 230 teachers from one province in Turkey. To test how much progress in student academic achievement can be attributed to a teacher, a series of regression analyses were run including contextual predictors at the student, school and teacher/classroom level.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In this Appendix, we provide details about the data used for the current study, the curricula used in the classrooms from which data were collected, and the current study’s methodological approach. (Contains 14 tables and 5 footnotes.)[For full report, see ED544189.] Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This study, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) in the U.S. Department of Education, examines whether some early elementary school math curricula are more effective than others at improving student math achievement in disadvantaged schools. A small number of curricula, which are based on different approaches for developing student math skills, dominate elementary math instruction–7 curricula make up 91 percent of those used by K-2 educators, according to a 2008 survey (Resnick et al. 2010). The main questions addressed by the study are: (1) What are the relative effects of the study’s four math curricula on math achievement of first- and second-graders in disadvantaged schools? and (2) Are the relative curriculum effects influenced by school and classroom characteristics? The study is addressing these questions by… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This appendix provides the details that underlie the analyses reported in the evaluation brief, “After Two Years, Three Elementary Math Curricula Outperform a Fourth.” The details are organized in six sections: Study Curricula and Design (Section A), Data Collection (Section B), Construction of the Analysis File (Section C), Curriculum Effects on Student Math Achievement (Section D), Curriculum Implementation (Section E), and Effects of Switching Curricula (Section F). (Contains 19 footnotes, 35 tables, and 2 figures.) [For the full report, see ED544185.] Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This document contains the appendixes for the full report, “Teacher Turnover and Access to Effective Teachers in the School District of Philadelphia”. The School District of Philadelphia (SDP) provided data on teacher employment, teacher characteristics, student-teacher linkages, and school characteristics. The district’s Office of Research and Evaluation provided data on the grades and subjects that teachers taught by school year and data that enabled the study team to identify each student’s teachers by subject for research question 1. Finally, the Office of Research and Evaluation provided data on school characteristics, including student demographic characteristics, student proficiency level on state math and English language arts assessments, and school-level results from districtwide teacher surveys. A list of all data sources and variables used in the study, along with the… Continue Reading →
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