Eric.ed.gov – The Impact of Family Involvement on the Education of Children Ages 3 to 8: A Focus on Literacy and Math Achievement Outcomes and Social-Emotional Skills

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report summarizes research conducted primarily over the past 10 years on how families’ involvement in children’s learning and development through activities at home and at school affects the literacy, mathematics, and social-emotional skills of children ages 3 to 8. A total of 95 studies of family involvement are reviewed. These include both descriptive, nonintervention studies of the actions families take at home and at school, and intervention studies of practices that guide families to conduct activities that strengthen young children’s literacy and math learning. The family involvement research studies are divided into four categories: (1) Learning activities at home, including those that parents engage in to promote their child’s literacy and/or math skills outside school; (2) Family involvement at school, including the actions and interactions that… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Improving Student Outcomes with mCLASS: Math, a Technology-Enhanced CBM and Diagnostic Interview Assessment

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The No Child Left Behind Act resulted in increased school-level implementation of assessment-based school interventions that aim to improve student performance. Diagnostic assessments are included among these interventions, designed to help teachers use evidence about student performance to modify and differentiate instruction and improve student outcomes. The mCLASS: Math software (Ginsburg, Cannon, Eisenband, & Pappas, 2006) is comprised of screening/progress monitoring curriculum-based measures (CBMs) and Diagnostic Interviews to help teachers identify students’ skill levels. mCLASS: Math enables teachers to target instruction to each student’s needs and monitor each student’s progress toward mastery. Educators are expected to use the constantly updated diagnostic information to improve ongoing instruction and increase student achievement. Schools have found that the use of mCLASS: Math helps support curriculum, instruction, and assessment (Ginsburg et… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Effects of Differentiated Instruction on Motivation and Engagement in Fifth-Grade Gifted Math and Music Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this action research project report was to increase student motivation and engagement. There seemed to be an increasing disconnect between student potential and performance, especially among gifted math and beginning music students. Two teacher researchers carried out this research with 25 fifth-grade students at two different sites in a gifted math class and a beginning band class. The research was conducted from September 11th, 2012, through December 17th, 2012. In order to document the lack of student motivation and engagement, three tools were utilized; a teacher survey, a student survey, and a student behavior checklist. After analyzing the collected data, it was evident that a notable percentage of students felt that their school work was too easy while teachers felt their lessons were appropriately… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Examining the Influence of a Mobile Learning Intervention on Third Grade Math Achievement

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Third grade students at a Midwestern elementary school participated in a 9-week mobile learning intervention (MLI). Two classrooms used Everyday Math and daily practice using flashcards, etc., to learn multiplication. Two other classrooms used Everyday Math and web applications for the iPod touch for daily practice. MLI students outperformed comparison students on a postintervention multiplication test controlling for several covariates, including prior achievement, home iPod touch use, and previous teacher, among others. The medium-sized performance advantage (b = 0.217) was statistically significant at the 0.01 alpha level. The MLI influence on the most difficult multiplication items was also statistically significant but less important than the student’s demographic profile and the teacher’s advanced educational technology degree. Experimental research is needed to assess longer-term achievement effects for diverse student… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Accelerated Math[TM]. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Accelerated Math”[TM], published by Renaissance Learning, is a software tool used to customize assignments and monitor progress in mathematics for students in grades 1-12. “Accelerated Math”[TM] creates individualized assignments that align with state standards and national guidelines, scores student work, and generates formative feedback through reports for teachers and students. The software can be used in conjunction with the existing math curriculum to add practice components and aid teachers in differentiating instruction via the program’s progress-monitoring data. The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) reviewed 32 studies on “Accelerated Math”[TM]. One of these studies meets WWC evidence standards; two studies meet WWC evidence standards with reservations; the remaining 29 studies do not meet either WWC evidence standards or eligibility screens. Based on the three studies, the WWC found mixed… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Evaluating the Promise of the “FUSION” Tier 2 Math Intervention

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The low level of mathematics performance of U.S. students in relation to national standards and in international comparisons has concerned educators and policy makers for many years. The authors’ primary goals were to design a feasible and usable intervention and gather data on the promise of the intervention to foster students’ conceptual understanding of whole number concepts and skills and procedural fluency. The FUSION curriculum was developed using an iterative design process aligned with design experiment methodology. The pilot study took place in nine schools in two suburban school districts in the northwest. The FUSION program is a Grade 1 (Tier 2) mathematics intervention that focuses specifically on building students’ early knowledge of whole number concepts. Results indicate that understanding student outcomes, program implementation fidelity, and interventionists’… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teachers Learning to Prepare Future Engineers: A Systemic Analysis Through Five Components of Development and Transfer

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study used a systemic perspective to examine a five-component experiential process of perceptual and developmental growth, and transfer-to-teaching. Nineteen secondary math and science teachers participated in a year-long, engineering immersion and support experience, with university faculty mentors. Teachers identified critical shifts in perceptions of engineering, and recognized appropriateness of engineering as a career option for their students. They transferred content learning and perceptions to students, through experiential narratives and instructional activities. Teachers reported that their secondary math and science students demonstrated observable change in knowledge, skill and beliefs about engineering, subject area score and skill improvement, class engagement, and engineering-related career aspirations. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – “MyTeachingPartner–Math/Science” Pre-Kindergarten Curricula and Teacher Supports: Associations with Children’s Mathematics and Science Learning

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “MyTeachingPartner–Math/Science” (“MTP-MS”) is a system of two curricula (math and science) plus teacher supports designed to improve the quality of instructional interactions in pre-kindergarten classrooms and to scaffold children’s development in mathematics and science. The program includes year-long curricula in these domains, and a teacher support system (web-based supports and in-person workshops) designed to foster high-quality curricular implementation. This study examined the impacts of the intervention on the development of mathematics and science skills of 444 children during pre-kindergarten, via school-level random assignment to two intervention conditions (“Basic: MTP-M/S” mathematics and science curricula, and “Plus: MTP-M/S” mathematics and science curricula plus related teacher support system) and a Business-as-Usual control condition (“BaU”). There were intervention effects for children’s knowledge and skills in geometry and measurement as well as… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Strategies for Reducing Math Anxiety. Information Capsule. Volume 1102

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Approximately 93 percent of Americans indicate that they experience some level of math anxiety. Math anxiety is defined as negative emotions that interfere with the solving of mathematical problems. Studies have found that some students who perform poorly on math assessments actually have a full understanding of the concepts being tested; however, their anxiety interferes with their ability to solve mathematical problems. Researchers believe that implementation of strategies to prevent or reduce math anxiety will improve the math achievement of many students. This Information Capsule summarizes strategies that teachers, parents, and students can use to prevent or reduce math anxiety. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Saxon Math. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Saxon Math” is a textbook series covering grades K-12 based on incremental development and continual review of mathematical concepts to give students time to learn and practice concepts throughout the year. The series is aligned with standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and various states, and can be adapted for special education students in inclusion classrooms, pullout programs, or self-contained resource classrooms. Although content differs by course, the incremental, distributed approach of “Saxon Math” is the same, with mathematical concepts presented in a series of short “lessons” intended to gradually build understanding and previously-taught concepts practiced and assessed throughout the course. Developed in the early 1980s, “Saxon Math” included four middle school math textbooks used in the studies included in this intervention report.… Continue Reading