Eric.ed.gov – The Relationship between Growth Scores and the Overall Observation Ratings for Teachers in a Public School System in Tennessee

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the TVAAS growth score given by the Tennessee Department of Education and the overall Tennessee Educator Assessment Model (TEAM) observation rating for teachers in grades 3 through 8. The participating county public school system for this study is located in Northeast Tennessee. Participants were teachers in the school system teaching Math, English/Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies in grades 3 through 8 in 10 elementary schools, 6 middle schools, and 2 K-8 schools. Specifically, this research examined the relationship between the TEAM observation scores and overall TVAAS growth score given to the teacher from the Tennessee Department of Education based upon yearly-standardized test scores. Research reinforced mixed views about the validity and purpose of teacher evaluation… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Leadership for Indigenous Education: Culture-Based Communication and the Impact on Student Achievement in Hawaii

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this quantitative correlational research study, the degree to which a school leader’s culture-based communication style could predict student achievement outcomes in the Hawaii State Assessment (HSA) in reading and math in: (a) schools with a Native Hawaiian mission, and (b) schools without a Native Hawaiian mission, were examined. The population of the study was all 284 K-12 Department of Education schools in Hawaii and publicly funded charter schools. Within this selected population of K-12 schools, 20 schools and corresponding school leaders were selected from Hawaiian-missioned schools, and 20 from Western-missioned schools. Findings include that culture-based communication style of leaders only influences learner reading sores, where school leaders who use engagement culture-based communication style score significantly high than those who have leaders who use other communication styles.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Evaluation of the Florida Master Teacher Initiative: Final Evaluation Findings

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the Florida Master Teacher Initiative (FMTI)–an i3-funded early learning program aimed at improving the quality of teaching and student outcomes in grades PreK through third grade in high need schools. The FMTI schools participated in four program components: (1) a job-embedded graduate degree program with an early childhood specialization, (2) a Teacher Fellows program through which teachers engage in yearlong inquiry projects around their practice, (3) a Principal Fellows program during which principals work together to strengthen their facilitative leadership skills, and (4) Summer Leadership Institutes to review data and engage in action planning. The impact evaluation had two primary goals: (1) to assess the school-level impact of FMTI on teachers and students; and (2) to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher and School Characteristics: Predictors of Student Achievement in Georgia Public Schools

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Student achievement of fifth-grade students in 106 Georgia public schools in CRCT reading and mathematics was examined as a function of five characteristics of teachers and schools. The five independent variables used as predictors of CRCT scores were Title I status, teachers’ education level, teachers’ average years of experience, class size, and computer to student ratio. Designation as a Title I school was the strongest predictor of student achievement. When compared to non-Title I schools, Title I school status resulted in a higher percentage of students meeting CRCT standards in both reading and math and a lower percentage of students exceeding standards in both reading and mathematics. However, Title I school status also resulted in a higher percentage of students meeting standards on both the CRCT reading… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Strategic Staffing? How Performance Pressures Affect the Distribution of Teachers within Schools and Resulting Student Achievement

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: School performance pressures apply disproportionately to tested grades and subjects. Using longitudinal administrative data–including achievement data from untested grades–and teacher survey data from a large urban district, we examine schools’ responses to those pressures in assigning teachers to high-stakes and low-stakes classrooms. We find that teachers with more positive performance measures in both tested and untested classrooms are more likely to be placed in a tested classroom in the following year. Performance measures even more strongly predict a high-stakes teaching assignment in schools with low state accountability grades and where principals exercise more assignment influence. In elementary schools, we show that such “strategic” teacher assignment disadvantages early grades, concentrating less effective teachers in K-2 classrooms. Reassignment of ineffective upper-grades teachers to early grades systematically results in lower… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Retention, Attrition, and Mobility among Teachers and Administrators in West Virginia. REL 2016-161

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Members of the West Virginia School Leadership Research Alliance partnered with Regional Educational Laboratory Appalachia to study the average retention, attrition, and mobility rates among teachers and administrators in the West Virginia public school system. There is increasing evidence nationwide that low teacher and administrator retention rates adversely affect student academic outcomes, particularly in reading and math, which are reform priorities in many states (Béteille, Kalogrides, & Loeb, 2012; Branch, Hanushek, & Rivkin, 2012; Kane & Staiger, 2008; Ronfeldt, Lankford, Loeb, & Wyckoff, 2013). West Virginia policymakers and educators have thus expressed interest in increasing teacher and administrator retention rates to improve student achievement. This report provides descriptive information about retention, attrition, and mobility among teachers and administrators that can be used to inform policy and program… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Turnover in Maine: Analysis of Staffing Patterns from 2005-06 to 2016-17

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: There have long been anecdotal reports that some Maine districts have difficulty filling vacancies and retaining teachers. This is a common lament for schools in rural areas, and for schools across the state in hiring teachers for certain subject areas-namely math, science, special education, and foreign languages. Current policy initiatives in Maine such as the push for proficiency-based high school diplomas are raising the stakes for schools to employ high-quality teachers in all content areas. There is a concern that schools facing persistent teacher shortages may struggle to provide a comprehensive educational program, resulting in inequitable learning opportunities for their students. To further investigate the empirical evidence behind these anecdotal reports, the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs commissioned this study of the Maine Education… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Radical Math: Creating Balance in an Unjust World, Conference Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Founded in 2006 by Jonathan Osler, Math and Community Organizing teacher at El Puente Academy for Peace and Justice, a public CES high school in Brooklyn, New York, Radical Math is an organization for educators working to integrate issues of political, economic, and social justice into math education. In April 2007, Radical Math cosponsored “Creating Balance in an Unjust World” a conference on math education and social justice. With the urgent need for mathematical literacy and the current lack of equity in math education paramount in the consciousness of facilitators and participants, conference sessions included a variety of 28 workshops, two panels, and a keynote address delivered by civil rights activist Bob Moses, founder of The Algebra Project, a program that prepares underserved youth with high-level math… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Candidate Apprenticeships: Assessing the Who and Where of Student Teaching. Working Paper No. 206-1118-1

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: We use comprehensive data on student teaching placements from 14 teacher education programs (TEPs) in Washington State to explore the sorting of teacher candidates to the teachers who supervise their student teaching (“cooperating teachers”) and the schools in which student teaching occurs. We find that, all else equal, teachers with more experience, higher degree levels, and higher value added in math are more likely to serve as cooperating teachers, as are schools with lower levels of historical teacher turnover but with more open positions the following year. We also find that teacher candidates are more likely to be placed with cooperating teachers of the same gender and race/ethnicity, and are more likely to work with cooperating teachers and in schools with administrators who graduated from the candidate’s… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Can Immigrant Professionals Help Reduce Teacher Shortages in the U.S.?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: At a national level, the supply of teachers has remained stable in recent years–however, at the state and local level, school districts have been wrestling with long-standing teacher shortages in a number of specific fields, including science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects; career and technical education (CTE); bilingual education; and special education. Schools and students in low-income and minority neighborhoods often face particularly significant challenges in terms of recruiting and retaining teachers in hard-to-staff subjects. The report looks at the challenge of teacher shortages facing public schools across the U.S., and the role that internationally educated and trained immigrant and refugee professionals can play in addressing these shortages. The discussion focuses in particular on “alternative teacher certification” initiatives that seek to attract a diverse group of… Continue Reading