Eric.ed.gov – Mapping West Virginia’s Educational Progress, 2008

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Six years after passage of No Child Left Behind and midway to the nation’s goal of having students on grade level or better in reading and math by 2014, more data than ever before has been collected about the academic performance of American students and schools. Information in this brochure charts student demographics, achievement-to-date and trends for West Virginia as a state and as compared to national statistics. Information on graduation rates, tutoring/choice programs and flexibility options is also included. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Mapping Washington’s Educational Progress, 2008

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Six years after the passage of No Child Left Behind and midway to the nation’s goal of having students on grade level or better in reading and math by 2014, more data than ever before has been collected about the academic performance of American students and schools. Information in this brochure charts student demographics, achievement-to-date and trends for Washington as a state and as compared to national statistics. Information on graduation rates, tutoring/choice programs and flexibility options is also included. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – School choice and educational attitudes: Spatially uneven neoliberalization in Sweden

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The aim of the article is to use survey evidence of school choice and educational attitudes in Sweden to explore how spatial polarization and liberal school reforms have affected the way parents, pupils, and school management think about education. The authors identify a possible polarization of attitudes in Sweden towards the importance of education in general and schools in particular, against the background of a highly liberalized school market, including school choice and rural-urban regional differences in the population’s education level. The basis for the analysis is TIMSS 2015 data for pupils in Grade 4 (age group 10–11 years). The results showed that localization of the school was a very important factor in school choice and that localization… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Effective Educational Programs: Meta-Findings from the Best Evidence Encyclopedia

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: One of the major series of reviews in elementary and secondary education is the Best Evidence Encyclopedia, or the BEE. Up to now, findings for systematic reviews have largely been restricted to the reviews themselves, with few cases in which lessons learned across many reviews using similar methods can be synthesized. The completion of the Best Evidence Encyclopedia reading and math reviews permits a first opportunity to describe both substantive and methodological patterns across a broad set of studies involving all elementary and secondary grades, reviewed using a common set of review procedures. The purpose of the proposed paper is to synthesize both substantive and methodological findings across the five main Best Evidence Encyclopedia reviews of reading and math programs in grades K-12. The paper considers the… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Exploring core ideas of procedural understanding in scientific inquiry using educational data mining

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Background: Scientific thinking is an essential learning goal of science education and it can be fostered by inquiry learning. One important prerequisite for scientific thinking is procedural understanding. Procedural understanding is the knowledge about specific steps in scientific inquiry (e.g. formulating hypotheses, measuring dependent and varying independent variables, repeating measurements), and why they are essential (regarding objectivity, reliability, and validity). We present two studies exploring students’ ideas about procedural understanding in scientific inquiry using Concept Cartoons. Concept Cartoons are cartoon-like drawings of different characters who have different views about a concept. They are to activate students’ ideas about the specific concept and/or make them discuss them. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to survey students’ ideas of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Case Study of the Teacher Labor Market in the Southeast. Miss Dove Is Alive and Well (And Teaching Math, Sponsoring the Yearbook, and Coaching Softball). Occasional Papers in Educational Policy Analysis. Paper No. 413.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In an effort to explore significant supply and demand variables that affect the teacher labor market in the Southeast, a qualitative research study was undertaken to examine the market patterns of initial career choice, position availability, recruitment and selection, turnover, and mobility of public school teachers. An ethnographic investigation of schools or departments of education at six universities and six school systems in two southeastern states used document analysis, on-site observation, and interviewing to collect data for analysis of labor market variables. Five categories of inquiry guided the study: (1) background and contextual variables; (2) position availability, need, and turnover; (3) paths to education and teaching; (4) identification, recruitment, and selection of teachers; and (5) employment conditions and teacher alternatives. Following a review of the related literature… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Tracking down resistances: a co-design approach for a biomedical educational program on antibiotic resistance

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Professional societies and institutes have stressed the importance of a dialogue between scientists and the public over the past decades. Especially the life sciences include many highly relevant research topics pertaining not only to scientific progress but also to decision-making in society. Surprisingly, few educational researchers and biological scientists make interdisciplinary efforts to communicate life science topics to society in an adequate manner. In our project, scientists from evolutionary biology, medicine and biology education worked in an interdisciplinary manner to design an educational program to make scientific research on antibiotic resistance and cystic fibrosis accessible to students (ninth, tenth and eleventh graders). In this article, we explain the communication objectives from the science education researcher’s and the life… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Mapping California’s Educational Progress, 2008

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Every day, we learn what works so students can make greater progress. Six years after No Child Left Behind’s passage–and midway to the nation’s goal of having students on grade level or better in reading and math by 2014–we have collected more data than ever before about the academic performance of our students and schools. This information enables all of us to chart where we are as individual states and as a nation and to map a course of action for future progress. This brochure describes in chart form: (1) California At a Glance (Student Demographics); (2) California’s Record of Achievement (Reading and Math Achievement for 2006-2007); (3) Achievement Trends; (4) Preparing California Students for Success (California’s High School Graduation Rate 2006 and High School Students Taking… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Mapping Arkansas’ Educational Progress, 2008

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Every day, we learn what works so students can make greater progress. Six years after No Child Left Behind’s passage–and midway to the nation’s goal of having students on grade level or better in reading and math by 2014–we have collected more data than ever before about the academic performance of our students and schools. This information enables all of us to chart where we are as individual states and as a nation and to map a course of action for future progress. This brochure describes in chart form: (1) Arkansas At a Glance (Student Demographics); (2) Arkansas’ Record of Achievement (Reading and Math Achievement for 2006-2007); (3) Achievement Trends; (4) Preparing Arkansas Students for Success (Arkansas’ High School Graduation Rate 2006 and High School Students Taking… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Mapping Arizona’s Educational Progress, 2008

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Every day, we learn what works so students can make greater progress. Six years after No Child Left Behind’s passage–and midway to the nation’s goal of having students on grade level or better in reading and math by 2014–we have collected more data than ever before about the academic performance of our students and schools. This information enables all of us to chart where we are as individual states and as a nation and to map a course of action for future progress. This brochure describes in chart form: (1) Arizona At a Glance (Student Demographics); (2) Arizona’s Record of Achievement (Reading and Math Achievement for 2006-2007); (3) Achievement Trends; (4) Preparing Arizona Students for Success (Arizona’s High School Graduation Rate 2008) and High School Students Taking… Continue Reading