tandfonline.com – Transfer of learning in Swedish technical vocational education: student experiences in the energy and industry programmes

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract One of the most important issues in vocational education is the interaction between learning at school and at different workplaces. Students need to transfer what they have learned in and between these different learning arenas. However, little agreement exists among researchers on how to conceptualise and empirically study transfer of learning. This article aims to enhance our understanding of this process in technical vocational education by adding a new perspective on transfer: the phenomenological lifeworld approach. Eleven interviews with students enrolled in the Energy and Industry programmes at a Swedish upper-secondary school were conducted. Three transfer themes emerged from the data: learning for new situations, variation and integration of theory and practice. The student perspective, based on the… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Internationalisation in teacher education: student teachers’ reflections on experiences from a field study in South Africa

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Internationalisation of higher education and teacher education has been a key issue since the 1990s and many universities still attempt to increase student mobility ever since. Much research has been done on the topic of internationalisation and higher education, including teacher education trying to show how a certain programme impacts on students’ learning, especially intercultural learning when it comes to programmes in teacher education. These studies are often directed towards programmes that last several months or a whole year. The focus of this study is rather to explore if and in what way experiences in a two-week field study can contribute to a student teacher’s intercultural learning and professional development. The findings of the research show that even… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Pre-Service Teachers’ Lived Experiences with Taking Courses through Learning Management Systems: A Qualitative Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Learning management systems (LMS) are web-based platforms used for enhancing and supporting classroom teaching or delivering online instruction. Much of the earlier research has focused on their technological features and implementations into instruction. However, investigating what and how teachers and students think about and experience with LMS based on their actual usage is needed to realize educational potential of these systems. This study aimed to investigate pre-service teachers’ lived experiences about taking courses through Moodle LMS. The research was designed as a qualitative study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed through content analysis technique via Nvivo 7.0 software. The sample included 25 college students majoring in Computer and Instructional Technology Education at a state university in Turkey. Majority of the participants indicated that Moodle was… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – “My friends are there”: Constructions of schooling of children of Filipino immigrants in South Australia‡‡ The research reported in this paper relates to the broader issue of migrant schooling experiences of children in South Australia.View all notes

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This article provides insights into children’s perspectives on schooling experiences following immigration. Albeit focusing on a small cohort of children, the theory and methodology in the article could well be applied to children of immigrants from other cultures. In exploring the primary school experiences of children of Filipino immigrants in South Australia, symbolic interactionism as frame of analysis and in-depth interviews as research method have been utilised. This study shows that children constructed perspectives on the school environment, academic work and interaction with peers and teachers. Symbolic interactionism asserts that children defined their situations, took perspectives and adjusted their behaviour in line with that of others. This paper argues that children’s perspectives were informed by socialisation to prior… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Green Bean Has to Be Longer than Your Thumb: An Observational Study of Preschoolers’ Math and Science Experiences in a Garden

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: School gardening has become increasingly popular as a context for learning in which children construct new knowledge, learn cultural and societal values related to ecological awareness, and develop and practice authentic or real-world skills (Blair, 2009; Bowker & Tearle, 2007). The present research was a longitudinal case study of children’s gardening experiences at a Reggio-inspired preschool in the United States. Eleven children and their teacher were observed over nine days in various activities such as preparing the garden beds, planting, and harvesting. Through sustained participation in a variety of gardening activities, preschoolers engaged in science-rich dialogue utilizing complex and abstract science process skills such as observing, predicting, evaluating, and comparing. Discussion of number-related concepts, spatial orientation, and size estimation and comparison was also recurrent during gardening activities.… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – “I Fall Asleep in Class … But Physics Is Fascinating”: The Use of Large-Scale Longitudinal Data to Explore the Educational Experiences of Aspiring Girls in Mathematics and Physics

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article explores how students’ aspirations to study mathematics or physics in post-16 education are associated with their perceptions of their education, their motivations, and the support they feel they received. The analysis is based on the responses of around 10,000 students in England in Year 8 (age 12–13) and then in Year 10 (age 14–15). The students were first surveyed during 2008–2009 and then followed up in 2010–2011. t-tests revealed a decline in their perceptions of their mathematics and physics education. Factor analyses indicated subject-specific constructs that were associated with gender aspiration groups (i.e., high-aspiring girls, high-aspiring boys, low-aspiring girls, low-aspiring boys). High-aspiring girls were more likely than low-aspiring boys to be positive about mathematics/physics education, motivation… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teaching and Learning Experiences with Enhanced Books in Engineering Math and Science Courses

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study focuses on understanding the implementation of three interactive digital products in the first-year foundational courses (General Chemistry, Physics I & II, Calculus I & II) at the Faculty of Engineering, and the perceptions of teaching and learning experiences with those products. The data were gathered from the instructors, students and Distance Education Unit Coordinator through in-depth interview of purposeful sample of the academics, student online survey and product platform usage data. The study reveals the nuances of the institutional change prompted by the initiatives for advancing teaching and learning through the integration of technology. The study findings are discussed through themes that address the benefits of integrating digital products as well as challenges experienced by the instructors, students, and by the institution during this period… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Latino Youth’s Out-of-School Math and Science Experiences: Impact on Teacher Candidates

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This qualitative study examines the learning and interaction processes between Latino/a teacher candidates (TCs) and youth during a community service-learning program involving science and math. Knowing and affirming nondominant youth’s strengths are essential from funds of knowledge and Third Space perspectives. Participants were 11 TCs and their tutees, 30 youth in first through tenth grades. The study took place in a Texas border colonia, or unincorporated settlement lacking basic services. Data sources were participant observations, youth’s interviews and TCs’ pre- and final reflections, rapport-building analyses, a focus group, and lesson plans. We found TCs incorporated the youth’s funds to develop and implement authentic math and science lessons with them. Implications relate to how community service-learning projects can help TCs’ future math and science teaching and can create… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Experiences and Impact: The Voices of Teachers on Math Education Reform in Ontario, Canada

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In Ontario, students’ declining math performance is currently cited as a major area of concern (Reid & Reid, 2017). In response to this, Ontario is implementing math education policy changes. However, there is no mention of the role of teachers in this reform process. To address this issue, this paper explores and shares teachers’ experiences with math reform. I took a qualitative approach and interviewed eight public school teachers who shared their experiences with math reform based on their teaching trajectories. Three themes emerged from the data: (1) math confidence impacts perception and response to math reform; (2) teachers have little to no active role in the math reform process; (3) there is bidirectional impact between math reform and teachers. These findings delineate significant implications for math… Continue Reading