Eric.ed.gov – Articulation between High School and CEGEP Science Post-Reform: Understanding the Gap

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Reforms in K-12 science education are global. New national science curricula were introduced in the United States (NRC, 1996), in Canada (CEMC, 1997), and in Europe (European Commission 2007). In this article, the impact of these reforms on college students in Quebec is studied. Articulation between high school and college sectors is viewed through the lens of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) high school and college faculty. Faculty of both communities experienced stress as the first education reform curricula cohorts entered college. Results of a diagnostic test developed by CEGEP faculty to assess college preparedness found no difference in math and science content knowledge when pre-reform cohorts were compared with cohorts instructed with the reform curriculum. Improvements were observed in problem solving skills, which has led to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – What Works? Common Practices in High Functioning Afterschool Programs across the Nation in Math, Reading, Science, Arts, Technology, and Homework–A Study by the National Partnership. The Afterschool Program Assessment Guide. CRESST Report 768

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In an effort to identify and incorporate exemplary practices into existing and future afterschool programs, the U.S. Department of Education commissioned a large-scale evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) program. The purpose of this evaluation project was to develop resources and professional development that addresses issues relating to the establishment and sustainability of afterschool programs. Fifty-three high functioning programs representative across eight regional divisions of the nation, including rural and urban programs, community-based and school district related programs, were identified using rigorous methods. Exemplary practices in program organization, program structure, and especially in content delivery were studied. The findings were synthesized into the Afterschool Toolkit that was made available to programs nationwide via the world-wide-web. Professional development was conducted consistently and extensively throughout the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Analysing Dialogue in STEM Classrooms in Ecuador: A Dual Socioeconomic Context in a High School

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths education (STEM Education) is presented as a way to reduce marginalisation and promote inclusion in developing countries. This qualitative study aims to identify ways of reducing marginality and promoting inclusion through dialogic and transformative learning by high school teachers of the New Harvest School (NHS), particularly in STEM Education. Method: The study was carried out within the framework of the critical social approach identifying four characteristics of dialogism. The data comprised ethnographic observations of classes, and interviews with the selected teachers, the vice-chancellor and the administrator of the institution. Results: The dialogic characteristics of sequentiality, positioning, historicity and plurality were found in the science classes taught by the institution. Teachers have curricular knowledge capabilities regarding STEM education; however, recommendations were presented regarding… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The High Tide Raises All Ships: Middle Grades Teachers’ Perspectives on School Belonging in Early Adolescence

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Middle grades students have developmental needs that are unique from those of younger children and those in late adolescence. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore how middle grades teachers create a sense of belonging with their students and the ways in which their knowledge of early adolescent development influences that process. Self-determination Theory, Stage-Environment Fit Theory, and the Model of Academic Engagement provided a framework for a qualitative investigation that involved interviews with five middle grades teachers. Participants emphasized four themes including the importance of an increased emphasis on community building activities, a need for modeling positive attitudes, the ability to encourage positive peer relationships, and making course content relevant to students’ lives. Implications for… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Changing Paradigm in High School Mathematics. CCRC Working Paper No. 125

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In the United States, the prevailing high school mathematics course sequence begins with a year of Algebra I, followed by a year of geometry and a year of Algebra II. Educators and others have raised concerns about the extent to which this sequence, which prioritizes the mastery of algebra, is appropriate for the longer-term education and career goals of students who do not intend to pursue STEM degrees in college. These concerns have impelled educators and policymakers to reexamine the prominence of algebra in high school mathematics curricula and to consider new approaches that provide students with more mathematics course options better aligned with their academic and career goals. In this paper, we explore existing approaches to high school mathematics curricula as well as new developments in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Study of Gifted High, Moderate, and Low Achievers in Their Personal Characteristics and Attitudes toward School and Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examines the problem of underachievement among gifted high school students. Low achievers were compared to high and moderate achievers on their motivation, self-regulation, and attitudes toward their school and teachers. Participants were all highly able students from grades 10 and 11 in an academically selective gifted high school in Australia (n=197). Teachers were asked to rank the students into high, moderate, and low achievers in terms of their performance in two subjects English and Mathematics. Participants were asked to respond to two surveys that measured their personality characteristics. The results indicate that math achievement and not language achievement may be used with confidence to classify gifted students; high achiever had higher mean scores than moderate and low achievers on all study variables; intrinsic motivation then… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The influence of gender stereotype threat on mathematics test scores of Dutch high school students: a registered report

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: The influence of gender stereotype threat on mathematics test scores of Dutch high school students: a registered report Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Some Factors That Affecting the Performance of Mathematics Teachers in Junior High School in Medan

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Some Factor’s That Affecting The Mathematic Teacher Performance For Junior High School In Medan. This research will examine the effect of direct and indirect of the Organizational Knowledge towards the achievement motivation, decision making, organizational commitment, the performance of mathematics teacher. The research method is a method of surveying the number of respondents as many as 102 teachers of mathematics taken by stratified proportional random sampling. The research found there is a direct influence of organizational knowledge on achievement motivation, decision making, organizational commitment and the performance of math teacher respectively 16.3%, 13.1%, 12.2% and 4.54%. Achievement motivation, decision making, and organizational commitment have directly effects on the performance of mathematics teacher. The magnitude of changes in performance that can directly determine organizational knowledge, achievement motivation, decision-making… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Promising Practice of Technology Integration in Math and Science Instruction: A Case of California Charter High School

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study was conducted to examine the promising practice of using technology in teaching math and science in a charter high school in California. The research employed an in-depth qualitative case study method. The main participants were principals, lead teachers, teachers, and support staff. Interviews, observations, and archival documents were the main data collection tools. The study found that the practice of using technology in teaching by the school, Center for Advanced Research and Technology (CART), has lead to positive educational outcomes. These include increased student achievement in standardized test scores, increased motivation, growth in mean GPA, less behavior problems from students, and improved school attendance by students. Implications for policy and practice were discussed. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Learners’ attitudes to mixed-attainment grouping: examining the views of students of high, middle and low attainment

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract There is a substantial international literature around the impact of different types of grouping by attainment on the academic and personal outcomes of students. This literature, however, is sparse in student voices, especially in relation to mixed-attainment practices. Research has indicated that students of different attainment levels might have different experiences and views of grouping structures. This paper represents a significant contribution to this literature. Drawing on the data collected as part of a large study on student grouping and teaching in England, we analyse the attitudes of students of different attainment levels to mixed-attainment practice, focusing on their explanations for their preferences or aversion to mixed-attainment classes. The data-set is drawn from group discussions and individual interviews… Continue Reading