Eric.ed.gov – Constructivists Online: Reimagining Progressive Practice. Occasional Paper Series 34

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this issue of the Occasional Paper Series, the authors reimagine progressive pedagogy within the framework of digital pedagogy and online practice. The issue begins with “Notes from the Special Issue Editors,” Helen Freidus, Mollie Welsh Kruger & Steven Goss. In the first set of essays, “Inside the Online Classroom,” the authors present the experiences of educators who have entered the square room but have refused to be limited by its constraints. These are teacher educators who have designed their courses for the online venue. Some enthusiastically chose to teach online; others were mandated to do so. Regardless of how their journey began, each author describes the work she or he is doing to bring constructivist practice online. To the surprise of each of these educators, they… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Open Educational Resources for Blended Learning in High Schools: Overcoming Impediments in Developing Countries

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: With today’s computer and telecommunications technologies, every young person can have a quality education regardless of his or her place of birth. This is the dream that Open Educational Resources (OERs), when viewed as a right rather than a privilege, are directed to realize. For developing countries, we propose a type of OER initiative that leverages not only technology but also the skills of the in-class teacher, that utilizes not only the Internet but also lower-tech delivery platforms, and that is created not only by developed countries of the West but also by educators in many countries worldwide. We outline the design of a cross-border, collaborative learning and teaching system called the Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies Initiative (BLOSSOMS), with an associated partnership network… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Intertwining Digital Content and a One-to-One Laptop Environment in Teaching and Learning: Lessons from the Time to Know Program

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study provides a comprehensive look at a constructivist one-to-one computing program’s effects on teaching and learning practices as well as student learning achievements. The study participants were 476 fourth and fifth grade students and their teachers from four elementary schools from a school district in the Dallas, Texas, area. Findings indicated consistent and highly positive findings of the efficacy of a constructivist one-to-one computing program in terms of student math and reading achievement, differentiation in teaching and learning, higher student attendance, and decreased disciplinary actions, suggesting a range of possible educational benefits that can be achieved through a comprehensive one-to-one computing educational environment. (Contains 3 tables.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Centered on Results: Assessing the Impact of Student-Centered Learning

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: While many of the concepts and approaches that comprise student-centered learning have deep roots in learning theory, the cognitive sciences, and youth and child development, empirical research on student-centered learning’s impact in K-12 classrooms remains limited. This report offers highlights from three studies commissioned by Nellie Mae, researched by Education Connection, American Institutes for Research (AIR) and Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE) to examine student-centered learning in depth–what it looks like, and how students may benefit. Together, these studies strengthen the evidence base for those seeking to identify practices that will produce the greatest benefits for students. Furthermore, they provide new insights into how to achieve the highest outcomes equitably. These studies look at how to ensure that all students–including those in underserved groups–get… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Innovative Schools in Michigan. Connect: Making Learning Personal

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This second issue of “Connect” highlights innovative teaching as practiced by teachers and administrators in Michigan schools as they seek to provide greater personalization for every student’s learning. Nicholas Provenzano and Ben Gilpin give field reports from their schools, which have implemented a version of 20-Time–a concept borrowed from business where it has been used to encourage creativity in product development. 20-Time seeks to promote students’ motivation, autonomy, and communication and interpersonal skills in collaborative endeavors–all characteristics deemed essential for their working careers. Tara Maynard and Delia Bush provide field reports on their flipped math classes. Flipped classrooms take advantage of technology by reversing the traditional schoolwork-homework activities. This arrangement allows greater personalization, and creates extra class time for teachers to help individual students or small groups… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Do Poor Kids Deserve Lower-Quality Education than Rich Kids? Evaluating School Privatization Proposals in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. EPI Briefing Paper #375

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: During the past year, Wisconsin state legislators debated a series of bills aimed at closing low-performing public schools and replacing them with privately run charter schools. These proposals were particularly targeted at Milwaukee, the state’s largest and poorest school district. Ultimately, the only legislation enacted was a bill that modestly increases school reporting requirements, without stipulating consequences for low performance. Nevertheless, the more ambitious proposals will likely remain at the core of Wisconsin’s debates over education policy, and legislative leaders have made clear their desire to revisit them in next year’s session. To help inform these deliberations, this report addresses the most comprehensive set of reforms put forward in the 2013-2014 legislative session. Backers of these reforms are particularly enamored of a new type of charter school… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – College Faculty Understanding of Hybrid Teaching Environments and Their Levels of Trainability by Departments

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: We explored whether the knowledge of hybrid teaching (conceptions) or incorrect knowledge (misconceptions) or lack of knowledge differed among faculty from various teaching areas–education, social sciences, business, art and humanities, and math and sciences–in New York. One hundred twenty-eight faculty members responded to a test of their knowledge of hybrid learning. Using a one-way ANOVA, we found no significant differences between conceptions, misconceptions, and lack of knowledge among faculty. However, their conceptions differences approached significance (p < 0.074). We evaluated faculty levels of trainability. The results of frequency analysis suggested that professors of math and sciences, and business tended to understand more online or hybrid environments than professors of other areas did. However, professors of art and humanities, and social sciences showed high trainability scores. Link til… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Efficacy Study of a Digital Core Curriculum for Grade 5 Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Math Curriculum Impact Study was a large-scale randomized controlled trial (RCT) to test the efficacy of a digital core curriculum for Grade 5 mathematics. Reasoning Mind’s Grade 5 Common Core Curriculum was a comprehensive, adaptive, blended learning approach that treated schools implemented for an entire school year. The study was completed in 46 schools throughout West Virginia, resulting in achievement data from 1,919 students. It also included exploratory investigations of teacher practice and student engagement. The main experimental finding was a null result; achievement was similar in both experimental groups. The exploratory investigations help to clarify interpretation of this result. As educational leaders throughout the United States adopt digital mathematics curricula and adaptive, blended approaches, our findings provide a relevant caution. However, our findings are not… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – From Vocational Education to Linked Learning: The Ongoing Transformation of Career-Oriented Education in the U.S.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Traditionally, the purpose of education in the United States has been conceived broadly, encompassing several goals, such as equity, civic participation, “whole-person” development, aesthetic appreciation, and greater cultural awareness. The renewed focus on equipping students with marketable skills is both a response to the globally-competitive labor market engendered by the Financial Crisis of 2008 and an implicit critique of the traditional American liberal education model. Innovative approaches to fostering student participation in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) are being promoted by a wide spectrum of politicians, corporations, and policy think tanks. Many observers argue that educational outcomes should reflect the changing needs of the workforce, and high school curricula should integrate academic instruction with work-based learning. With these trends in mind, researchers at the Pullias… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Utilizing a Flipped Learning Model to Support Special Educators’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Flipped learning is a popular pedagogical approach in K-12 and in higher education (Graziano, 2017), however minimal research exists on the effectiveness of flipped learning in special education teacher preparation courses. Special education teacher candidates enrolled in five sections of a special education math methods course engaged with interactive, flipped “learning lessons” prior to class. During class, they participated in extension activities and lesson planning. The researchers utilized mixed methods to evaluate the impact of performance on and engagement with these learning lessons and found positive predictive relationships with student achievement on all individual summative assignments. Nearly all students agreed flipped learning was useful in helping them meet the course outcomes. Most students specifically credited the flipped lessons as a facilitator of their learning because they allowed… Continue Reading