Eric.ed.gov – ESSA Implementation: Update from the U.S. Secretary of Education on Proposed Regulations. Hearing of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, Second Session on Examining Every Student Succeeds Act Implementation, Focusing on an Update from the Secretary of Education on Proposed Regulations (June 29, 2016). Senate Hearing 114-785

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This hearing explores the accountability rule that the Department of Education proposed on May 31st. This goes to the heart of the law to fix No Child Left Behind. The Federal Government decided that math and reading test results would determine whether schools and teachers were succeeding or failing. The two main concerns of this hearing are: (1) Does the proposed accountability rule actually get the Federal Government back in the business of setting State academic standards?; and (2) Does the proposed accountability rule get the Federal Government back in the business of deciding which schools are succeeding or failing? This hearing transcript provides a prepared statement from witness John King, Secretary, U.S. Department of Education. This is followed by additional materials, namely Ensuring Equity in ESSA:… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Investment Case for Education and Equity

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Education is in crisis worldwide. Millions of children, especially the most marginalized, are excluded from school. Many millions more attend school, but they do not learn basic reading and math skills. In addition, international funding for education is on the decline. “The Investment Case for Education and Equity” explains the global education crisis and outlines solutions. It establishes three essential ingredients to revive progress in increasing the number of children who can go to school and learn: more funding for education, an equitable approach to resource allocation and more efficient spending on quality education. The report is divided into four chapters. Chapter 1 examines the wide-reaching impact of education, economically and socially. One key message is that not all education levels are equally important–both from an equity… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – 2014 Teacher Prep Review: A Review of the Nation’s Teacher Preparation Programs

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Teacher Prep Review 2014” is the second edition of the National Council on Teacher Quality’s (NCTQ’s) annual assessment of the nation’s 2,400 teacher prep programs. The “Review” uncovers early evidence that teacher prep programs are beginning to make changes. It arrives at a time of heightened, unprecedented activity across the nation to improve teacher preparation. Ever so slowly, the United States is taking a harder look at how its teacher preparation schools are improving the quality of the teachers they produce. The signs are everywhere–from proposed federal action to state legislatures and school boards passing new oversight laws and regulations, to a newly marshaled push for stronger accreditation by the institutions themselves. The country is finally waking up to the critical importance of improving teacher preparation quality… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Building Better Narratives in Black Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Building Better Narratives in Black Education” fundamentally changes the narrative and face of education reform to meaningfully include Black voices, leaders and initiatives that truly have equity and Black student success at the core. This is imperative as there is an education crisis for Black students in the United States. Recent National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) results indicate that only seven percent of Black students performed at or above proficient on the 12th grade math exam in 2015, compared with 32 percent of White students. African American students are less likely to meet ACT college readiness benchmarks than any other racial group and often lag behind on various indicators on the primary and secondary levels. However, far too often the narrative has stopped there. While it… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – 2014 Teacher Prep Review: A Review of the Nation’s Teacher Preparation Programs. Revised

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Ever so slowly, the United States is taking a harder look at how its teacher preparation schools are improving the quality of the teachers they produce. The signs are everywhere–from proposed federal action to state legislatures and school boards passing new oversight laws and regulations, to a newly marshaled push for stronger accreditation by the institutions themselves. The country is finally waking up to the critical importance of improving teacher preparation quality to produce more classroom-ready teachers. But as “NCTQ Teacher Prep Review 2014” shows, far more needs to be done to expand the pool of teachers properly prepared to meet the challenges of the contemporary American classroom. Still, an upsurge in quality has begun. It is good news indeed to be able to report some movement,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – You’re Asian, How Could You Fail Math? Unmasking the Myth of the Model Minority

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article addresses educational issues related to the diverse communities that comprise the racialized category of “Asian Americans” in the US. Topics include curriculum, pedagogy, teacher education, and policy. [This paper was published in: “Rethinking Multicultural Education: Teaching for Racial and Cultural Justice,” p. 207-216.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Equitable Access to Highly Effective Teachers for Tennessee Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Decades of research have confirmed that teachers are the most important in-school factor for improving student achievement. Furthermore, studies find that access to effective teachers is most critical for students who struggle academically. Data from Tennessee shows that, on average, students who score at the lowest proficiency level see the largest gains after having a highly effective teacher for two or more consecutive years. Yet, low-performing students are less likely than their higher-performing peers to have access to the best teachers. To improve student achievement for all students, we must work toward ensuring that all students have access to effective teachers and that our lowest-performing students are not systemically assigned to lower-performing teachers. With this goal in mind, this report describes the current landscape of Tennessee students’… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Improving Developmental and College-Level Mathematics: Prominent Reforms and the Need to Address Equity. CCRC Working Paper No. 124

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In recent years, there has been a growing recognition that the traditional system of college mathematics remediation that relies on high-stakes placement tests and prerequisite, multi-level course sequences is associated with lowered chances of students completing developmental requirements and increased rates of student attrition. This recognition has led to nationwide reform efforts that strive to alter the structure and curricula of remedial math courses. However, these broad-based reforms have been insufficient in eliminating inequities in developmental placement and completion between students of color and other underserved students and their more advantaged peers. Informed by relevant research literature, this paper argues that the majority of reforms to developmental math education seek to remedy general barriers to student progress but are not typically designed to address equity gaps and,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Enhancing STEM in P-3 Education. Policy Guide

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: States have often introduced programs supporting science, technology, engineering and math in the secondary grades. Yet the evidence of STEM’s positive impact on young children’s development makes a compelling case for engaging learners in pre-K through third grade in consistent, authentic and high-quality STEM experiences. High-quality P-3 STEM learning need not — and should not — be viewed as an add-on to an already crowded set of learning objectives. Instead, states can integrate early STEM opportunities to advance developmentally appropriate practice and young learners’ growth in literacy and numeracy, executive function and 21st century skills. This Policy Guide, informed by experts in early education and STEM fields, identifies policies and actions a state can adopt to bring STEM opportunities to the early grades. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Meeting Alaska’s Education Challenge Together. Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Strategic Plan

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Even though many of Alaska’s students are getting a good education, historically Alaska has some of the largest achievement gaps in the country. Compared to other states in America, Alaska ranks at or near the bottom in reading and math scores. This document is a call to action. Thousands of Alaskans have stepped up to answer this call and have demonstrated through Alaska’s Education Challenge that they are unwilling to accept their state’s current results. Parents, students, educators, policymakers, tribal leaders, partner organizations, and local school boards have worked together to create a shared plan for improving Alaska’s system of public education. This document outlines the three primary components of that plan: (1) Public Commitments–An invitation to all Alaskans to support a thriving and successful public education… Continue Reading