Eric.ed.gov – Alternative Assessments in Math and Science: Moving toward a Moving Target. A Joint Study.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Given the restructuring of curriculum and instruction and the changing state of assessment in Virginia and nationally, a study group of 22 Virginia teachers from elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools throughout the state chose to examine and revise their assessment practices. They wanted to reflect changes in thinking and practice in teaching that include active learning, cooperative learning, and critical thinking strategies. After 6 months of developing and implementing alternative assessments in their classrooms, study group members concluded that implementation strategies should include: (1) planning assessment as instruction is planned; (2) having a partner with whom to share ideas; (3) developing generic rubrics; (4) expecting to learn by trial and error; (5) attempting student peer assessment; and (6) using cooperative grouping for completing assessment tasks.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Gender Equity in High School Math: A Study of Female Participation and Achievement.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This survey of 316 Precalculus, Calculus AB, and Calculus BC students from markedly different socioeconomic levels in four district high schools in San Antonio, Texas, looked at factors that have traditionally caused women to avoid mathematics, and attempted to discover which of them continue to influence women’s decisions to reject the discipline. The questionnaire contained 25 questions based on assumptions drawn from literature on the subject. Reported and discussed are all differences in gender opinion above 9 percentage points, even though a difference of 11.4 percentage points would begin to indicate a statistically significant result. Findings where such differences occur showed that: (1) mathematics enrollment favored men, especially in BC Calculus; (2) female respondents more frequently perceived no bias in teacher expectations; (3) female students less frequently… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Mapping Alabama’s Educational Progress, 2008

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Every day, we learn what works so students can make greater progress. Six years after No Child Left Behind’s passage–and midway to the nation’s goal of having students on grade level or better in reading and math by 2014–we have collected more data than ever before about the academic performance of our students and schools. This information enables all of us to chart where we are as individual states and as a nation and to map a course of action for future progress. This brochure shows in chart form: (1) Alabama At a Glance (Student Demographics); (2) Alabama’s Record of Achievement (Reading and Math Achievement for 2006-2006); (3) Achievement Trends (Reading and Math); (4) Preparing Alabama Students for Success (Alabama’s High School Graduation Rate 2006 and High… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – How Negative Expectancies and Attitudes Undermine Females’ Math Confidence and Performance: A Review of the Literature.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Females’ underperformance in mathematics is discussed as a function of negative expectancies by parents, teachers, and peers. These negative expectancies of significant others lead to negative self-expectancies and negative attitudes about mathematics on the part of female students. These negative expectancies and attitudes lead to lower performance, reinforcing parents’ and teachers’ negative expectancies. Thus a cycle of low expectancies leading to low performance leading to even lower expectancies is perpetuated. Some reasons this cycle persists are: (1) girls, more than boys, tend to believe that mathematical ability is something individuals either have or do not have; (2) girls are more math anxious than boys; (3) girls may believe that “girls just cannot do math”; (4) girls’ belief that their ability is so low that no amount of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Constructing a Secure Mathematics Pipeline for Minority Students. Math Research-Based Decision Making Series 9504.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report examines issues in the low achievement of American students in mathematics, with emphasis on the low representation of minority students in this field. American myths about mathematics which emphasize the importance of innate ability rather than hard work are seen as reinforcing racial and gender stereotypes about who can do mathematics. Examples of prominent mathematicians and physicists whose lives counter these myths are offered. Comparisons are made showing that American students at all levels lag behind their foreign counterparts in mathematics achievement. Details of these comparisons and how they have influenced reform efforts in mathematics education are considered. Specific barriers to mathematics achievement experienced by minority students are identified and statistics showing minority underrepresentation in this field are detailed. The Strengthening Underrepresented Minority Mathematics Achievement… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Girls and Math: Enough Is Known for Action. Women’s Educational Equity Act Publishing Center Digest.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This digest addresses the issue of sex differences in mathematics achievement in K-12 students. The problem is discussed in three sections. The first section examines the progress that has been made in narrowing the gap between girls’ and boys’ achievement in mathematics and the numbers of women and men who enter mathematics-related careers. Issues addressed include the failure of research to find any inherent differences in girls’ and boys’ abilities in mathematics, the underrepresentation of women in mathematics-related fields, strategies to motivate girls to take more mathematics courses, and strategies to encourage girls to consider mathematical and scientific careers. The second section offers innovative approaches in mathematics education funded by the Women’s Educational Equity Act (WEEA) Project. A list of the products mentioned in the article is… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Early Progress: Interim Research on Personalized Learning

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This interim report from the RAND Corporation is the first in what will be a series of research reports based on an ongoing long-term study of foundation-funded schools that are using a variety of approaches to personalized learning. Although the early results are encouraging, the study does not attempt to make claims about which aspects of these schools contributed to the gains in student learning to date. This research is part of the foundation’s ongoing commitment to spread effective practices across districts and charter networks, support innovative roles for teachers, and support implementation of college-ready standards. All of the schools in the study received funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, either directly or through intermediary organizations, to implement personalized learning practices. Each of the participating… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Accelerated Math and Science Program Improvement Project Evaluation Report YR2.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Accelerated Math and Science (AMS) Project is a 3 year program funded by the California Migrant Education Program Improvement Program. It targets 6th, 7th, and 8th grade low-achieving migrant students who are 2 to 4 years behind their language peer group. Two questions guided the second year evaluation study for the Region IX Migrant Education program: (1) How successful was the training provided to migrant students in science and math?, and (2) Did the attitude of participating migrant students change towards science and math? Middle schools, low achieving, migrant students (n=94) were recruited based upon: (1) inappropriate age/grade placement; (2) those students whose parents expressed a high degree of interest and commitment, to ensure student attendance in AMS; (3) students who had absentee rates of 10%… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Sex Equity and Math Achievement: A Summary of Research and Recommendations.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Influences on sex equity in mathematics achievement are discussed in this summary of research and recommendations. Information on the following topics is presented, with each finding referenced to a source or sources in the bibliography provided at the end of the report: mathematics enrollment, influences on mathematics participation, predicting mathematics achievement, sex differences in attitudes toward mathematics and in mathematics achievement, visual/spatial skills, parents, peers and significant others, teachers, classroom environment, school structure, testing, advanced placement girls, career aspirations and educational goals, and recommendations to parents, teachers, and school personnel. Forty-four references are included in the bibliography. (MNS) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Impact and Implementation Analyses of the ELM Kindergarten Mathematics Intervention

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this 4-year efficacy trial, funded by IES under the Mathematics and Science Education topic, is to study the efficacy of a (Tier 1) core kindergarten math curriculum, “Early Learning in Mathematics” (ELM), when implemented under rigorous experimental conditions. In the first year of this study (2008-09), kindergarten classrooms were randomly assigned, blocking on schools, to treatment and control conditions in two districts in Oregon. There are two primary purposes of this presentation. The first is to briefly present impact findings from the first year of the 4-year study. The second focus of the presentation will be to discuss procedural fidelity and variations in the quality of implementation of the intervention. The focus of the discussion will be on the nature of the association between… Continue Reading