har udgivet: What was the role of imperfect local information in the growth, gender gap, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) major selection of early 20th century American universities? In order to examine pre-1950 American higher education, this study constructs four rich panel datasets covering most students, high school teachers, and doctors in the state of California between 1893 and 1946 using recently-digitized administrative and commercial directories. Students attending large California universities came from more than 600 California towns by 1910, with substantial geographic heterogeneity in female participation and STEM major selection. About 43 percent of university students in 1900 were women, and the number of women attending these universities increased by more than 500 percent between 1900 and 1940. Meanwhile, the number of California towns with female… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Flipped learning is a popular pedagogical approach in K-12 and in higher education (Graziano, 2017), however minimal research exists on the effectiveness of flipped learning in special education teacher preparation courses. Special education teacher candidates enrolled in five sections of a special education math methods course engaged with interactive, flipped “learning lessons” prior to class. During class, they participated in extension activities and lesson planning. The researchers utilized mixed methods to evaluate the impact of performance on and engagement with these learning lessons and found positive predictive relationships with student achievement on all individual summative assignments. Nearly all students agreed flipped learning was useful in helping them meet the course outcomes. Most students specifically credited the flipped lessons as a facilitator of their learning because they allowed… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. ABSTRACT The structure and definition of professional knowledge is a continuing focus of science education research. In 2012, a pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) summit was held and it suggested a model of professional knowledge and skill including PCK, which was later often called the Consensus Model (Gess-Newsome, 2015. A model of teacher professional knowledge and skill including PCK: Results of the thinking from the PCK summit. In A. Berry, P. J. Friedrichsen, & J. Loughran (Eds.), Teaching and learning in science series. Re-examining… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This study investigated common features of students’ attitudes towards studying science and mathematics in comprehensive and secondary schools in three countries. Data were obtained by conducting a survey (N = 581) in Norway, Finland and Russia. A Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) provided a model with a three-factor solution consisting of factors: the perception of the teacher, anxiety towards science and mathematics, and motivation. The results suggest that most students are motivated to study sciences and mathematics. Data analysis indicate gender differences in attitudes to students’ future studies and career plans. Most girls recognized the importance of these subjects for their future studies and careers, while boys showed more interest than girls in local career opportunities in industry. Teachers have a significant role in directing students’ attitudes toward… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this research is to propose an instructional model based on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education approach for enhancing the information and communication technology skills for elementary students in Thailand. The study was conducted by research and development design and divided into two phases: Phase I is to create a tentative model that was synthesized using the relevant documents and researches concerning the elements and steps of the model. The data was collected through interviewing eight teachers who are experts in STEM education and twenty-four students who were instructed by STEM approach. Phase II consists of proposing a tentative model to eleven experts, evaluating the model, and acquiring an approval of the model by five professionals. The findings of the research are as… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Systemic Design, from the content to the structure of education: new educational model. Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Innovation in instructional technology has contributed to the rapid implementation of technology-driven instructional platforms, particularly in developmental math coursework. Prior research has shown that instructional environment and classroom experience influence student development and outcomes. Consequently, when courses transition to technology-driven instruction, a logical concern on the part of faculty and administrators is the effect on the quality of the academic experience among students. Under a hybrid emporium model, students primarily receive instruction from a computer-based platform rather than from a faculty member delivering content in front of the classroom. This paper examines how students experience a newly adopted, hybrid emporium model for developmental math coursework. We conducted focus groups with students at six public colleges in Tennessee and find that students enrolled in hybrid emporium developmental math… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Using their cross-disciplinary review of “Ideas that Work in College Teaching,” the authors explore the pedagogical commonalities of fifteen higher education instructors from SUNY Potsdam (State University of New York at Potsdam) in an attempt to reveal the secrets of teaching success across thirteen academic disciplines–math, computer science, geology, modern languages, political science, philosophy, history, biology, psychology, sociology, physics, and art. While the specific instructional disciplines varied considerably in the content that was both studied and presented, the authors found that the principles of effective teaching were quite similar across each of these disciplines. The insights shared by these fifteen accomplished instructors provide pedagogical wisdom that all teachers can learn from regardless of context or developmental age and stage of student capability and competence. Common goals and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This article addresses educational issues related to the diverse communities that comprise the racialized category of “Asian Americans” in the US. Topics include curriculum, pedagogy, teacher education, and policy. [This paper was published in: “Rethinking Multicultural Education: Teaching for Racial and Cultural Justice,” p. 207-216.] Link til kilde
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